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Thema: Python: curses UND smbus in python2/3


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  1. #8
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Experte
    Registriert seit
    Ich habe nur zwei gefunden:
    root@raspberrypibalkon:~# apt-cache search smbus
    python-smbus - Python bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev
    pypy-smbus-cffi - This Python module allows SMBus access through the I2C /dev
    und dann noch
    root@raspberrypibalkon:~# apt-cache search I2C
    i2c-tools - heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux
    libglui2c2 - GLUI, a C++ GLUT based GUI library - Runtime support
    libi2c-dev - userspace I2C programming library development files
    libow-2.8-15 - 1-Wire File System full library
    libow-dev - 1-Wire File System (development files)
    libow-perl - Dallas 1-wire support: Perl5 bindings
    libow-php5 - Dallas 1-wire support: PHP5 bindings
    libow-tcl - Dallas 1-wire support: Tcl bindings
    libowcapi-2.8-15 - 1-Wire File System C library
    libownet-2.8-15 - owserver protocol library
    libownet-dev - owserver protocol library (development files)
    navi2ch - 2channel Navigator for Emacs
    ow-shell - shell utilities to talk to an 1-Wire owserver
    owfs-dbg - Debugging symbols for the OWFS packages
    owfs-fuse - 1-Wire filesystem
    owftpd - FTP daemon providing access to 1-Wire networks
    owhttpd - HTTP daemon providing access to 1-Wire networks
    owserver - Backend server for 1-Wire control
    python-ow - Dallas 1-wire support: Python bindings
    python-smbus - Python bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev
    sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel
    softgun - ARM system emulator
    xmlrpc-api-utils - Generate C++ wrapper classes for XML-RPC servers
    pypy-smbus-cffi - This Python module allows SMBus access through the I2C /dev

    Hier hat einer das gebaut, was Du suchst.
    Geändert von peterfido (15.12.2014 um 20:08 Uhr)
    Wenn das Herz involviert ist, steht die Logik außen vor! \/

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