Hallo RN,
ich habe es nun geschafft GPS Daten auf mein Raspberry zu übertragen.

Mit diesen leicht angepassten Script (von kampis-elektroecke.de)

import serial
import sys
import time

Zeichen = 0
Laenge = 0
Qualitaet = 0
Satelliten = 0

Hoehe = 0.0
Breitengrad = 0.0
Laengengrad = 0.0

Input = ""
Uhrzeit = ""
Checksumme = ""

Datenliste = []

# UART oeffnen
UART = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyAMA0 ", 38400)

# Startmeldung
print ""
print "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"
print "| Dieses Programm empfaengt Daten einer Holux GPS-Maus,               |"
print "| die mittels GAA-Protokoll uebertragen wurden.                       |"
print "| Der empfangene Datensatz wird zerlegt und in der Konsole angezeigt. |"
print "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"
print ""

while True:

	Zeichen = 0

	# String leeren
	Input = ""
	# Zeichen empfangen
	Zeichen = UART.read() 
	# Pruefen ob Uebertragung gestartet wurde
	if Zeichen == "$":

		# Zeichen 2-6 einlesen
		for Counter in range(4):

			Zeichen = 0
			Zeichen = UART.read()
			Input = Input + str(Zeichen)
		# Pruefen ob das GGA Protokoll gesendet wird
		if Input == "GPGG":

			# Zeichen empfangen bis ein LF als Abschluss kommt
			while Zeichen != "\n":
				Zeichen = 0
				Zeichen = UART.read()
				Input = Input + str(Zeichen)
			Input = Input.replace("\r\n", "")
			# Datensatz nach jedem "," trennen und in einer Liste speichern
			Datenliste = Input.split(",")

			# Laenge des Datensatzes feststellen
			Laenge = len(Input)

			# Uhrzeit herausfiltern
			Uhrzeit = Datenliste[1]
			Uhrzeit = Uhrzeit[0:2] + ":" + Uhrzeit[2:4] + ":" + Uhrzeit[4:6]

			# Laengen und Breitengrad herausfiltern und berechnen
			Breitengrad = float(Datenliste[2])
			Breitengrad = Breitengrad / 100

			Laengengrad = float(Datenliste[4])
			Laengengrad = Laengengrad / 100

			# Signalqualitaet herausfiltern
			Qualitaet = int(Datenliste[6])

			# Anzahl der Satelliten herausfiltern
			Satelliten = int(Datenliste[7])

			# Hoehe herausfiltern
			Hoehe = float(Datenliste[9])
			# Checksumme auslesen
			Checksumme = Datenliste[14]

			# Ausgabe
			print Input
			print ""
			print "Laenge des Datensatzes:", Laenge, "Zeichen"
			print "Uhrzeit:", Uhrzeit
			print "Breitengrad:", Breitengrad, Datenliste[3]
			print "Laengengrad:", Laengengrad, Datenliste[5]
			print "Hoehe ueber dem Meeresspiegel:", Hoehe, Datenliste[10]
			print "GPS-Qualitaet:", Qualitaet
			print "Anzahl der Satelliten:", Satelliten
			print "Checksumme:", Checksumme
			print "-------------------------------------------"
werden mir die GPS Daten angezeigt.
Das "gleiche" habe ich auf meinem RP6 schon geschafft.

Nun geht es darum den Winkel vom Standort zum Ziel (Vorgebender GPS Punkt) zu berechnen.
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Example: NL-552ETTL
 * Author(s): Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Description:
 * Now we will use the UART to read data from the NL-552ETTL GPS module
 * (ELV No. 94241) with the u-blox5 UBX-G5000-BT GPS chipset.
 * The NL-552ETTL TX pin (4) has to be connected to RP6 CONTROL pin RXD
 * (PROG_UART: 2). The internal pullup resistor of RXD should be
 * deactivated!
 * ****************************************************************************
 * NMEA 0183 short description:
 * 1. GPRMC:
 * $GPRMC,213938.000,A,5108.3356,N,00951.0774,E,0.00,79.64,061012,,,A*53
 * Index: 1          2 3         4 5          6 7    8     9        12CS
 *   1    = UTC of position [hhmmss.sss]
 *   2    = Data status (A=ok, V=void)
 *   3    = Latitude of fix [ddmm.mmmm]
 *   4    = N or S
 *   5    = Longitude of fix [dddmm.mmmm]
 *   6    = E or W
 *   7    = Speed over ground in knots
 *   8    = Track made good, degrees true
 *   9    = UT date [ddmmyy]
 *   10   = Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course)
 *   11   = E or W
 *   12   = Mode indicator (NMEA V2.3):
 *          A=Autonomous mode
 *          D=Differential mode
 *          E=Estimated (dead-reckoning) mode
 *          M=Manual input mode
 *          S=Simulated mode
 *          N=Data not valid
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * 2. GPVTG:
 * $GPVTG,79.64,T,,M,0.00,N,0.0,K,A*31
 * Index: 1     2  4 5    6 7   8 9 CS
 *   1    = Track made good
 *   2    = Fixed text 'T' indicates that track made good is relative to true north
 *   3    = Track degrees
 *   4    = M=Magnetic
 *   5    = Speed over ground in knots
 *   6    = Fixed text 'N' indicates that speed over ground is in knots
 *   7    = Speed over ground in kilometers/hour
 *   8    = Fixed text 'K' indicates that speed over ground is in kilometers/hour
 *   9    = Mode indicator (A,D,E,M,S,N)
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * 3. GPGGA:
 * $GPGGA,213938.000,5108.3356,N,00951.0774,E,1,04,5.3,158.5,M,46.2,M,,0000*52
 * Index: 1          2         3 4          5 6 7  8   9       11   12 14   CS
 *   1    = UTC of position
 *   2    = Latitude of fix
 *   3    = N or S
 *   4    = Longitude of fix
 *   5    = E or W
 *   6    = GPS quality indicator:
 *          0=invalid
 *          1=GPS fix (SPS)
 *          2=DGPS fix
 *          3=PPS fix
 *          4=Real Time Kinematic
 *          5=Float RTK
 *          6=estimated (dead reckoning) (NMEA V2.3)
 *          7=Manual input mode
 *          8=Simulation mode
 *   7    = Number of satellites in use [not those in view]
 *   8    = Horizontal dilution of position (HDOP)
 *   9    = Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid)
 *   10   = Meters  (Antenna height unit)
 *   11   = Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and
 *          mean sea level.  -=geoid is below WGS-84 ellipsoid)
 *   12   = Meters  (Units of geoidal separation)
 *   13   = Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station
 *   14   = Differential reference station ID#
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * 4. GPGSA:
 * $GPGSA,A,3,02,04,10,07,,,,,,,,,7.4,5.3,5.1*33
 * Index: 1 2 3  4  5  6          15  16  17  CS
 *   1    = Selection mode:
 *          M=Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D
 *          A=Automatic 2D/3D
 *   2    = Mode:
 *          1=no fix
 *          2=2D
 *          3=3D
 *   3-14 = IDs of SVs used in position fix (null for unused fields)
 *   15   = PDOP
 *   16   = HDOP
 *   17   = VDOP
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * 5. GPGSV:
 * $GPGSV,3,1,12,02,36,301,37,04,53,235,21,05,03,294,,07,35,170,29*79
 * $GPGSV,3,2,12,08,04,187,28,10,56,290,36,13,88,106,20,16,12,076,*7D
 * $GPGSV,3,3,12,20,23,118,11,23,50,067,,29,03,351,12,30,16,048,22*70
 * Index: 1 2 3  4  5  6   7  8  9  10   12 13 14  15 16 17 18  19 CS
 *   1    = Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
 *   2    = Message number
 *   3    = Total number of SVs in view
 *   4    = SV PRN number
 *   5    = Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum
 *   6    = Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359
 *   7    = SNR, 00-99 dB (null when not tracking)
 *   8-11 = Information about second SV, same as field 4-7
 *   12-15= Information about third SV, same as field 4-7
 *   16-19= Information about fourth SV, same as field 4-7
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * 6. GPGLL:
 * $GPGLL,5108.3356,N,00951.0774,E,213938.000,A,A*5C
 * Index: 1         2 3          4 5          6 7 CS
 *   1    = Latitude of fix
 *   2    = N or S
 *   3    = Longitude of fix
 *   4    = E or W
 *   5    = UTC of position
 *   6    = Data status (A=ok, V=void)
 *   7    = Mode indicator (A,D,E,M,S,N)
 *   CS   = Checksum
 * a) Each sentence (line) begins with '$'.
 * b) Each sentence (line) ends with '*', followed by the checksum (two
 *    chars building an 8-bit HEX number) and terminated by <CR><LF>.
 * c) The checksum (CS) is calculated by XOR of all chars between '$' and '*'.
 * d) The max. sentence (line) length is 82 chars (including <CR><LF>).
 * e) Further infos:
 *    -> http://www.nmea.org/
 *    -> http://www.kowoma.de/gps/zusatzerklaerungen/NMEA.htm
 *    -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183
 *    -> http://aprs.gids.nl/nmea/
 * ############################################################################
 * The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
 * next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the USB Interface!
 * ############################################################################
 * ****************************************************************************
// Includes:
#include "RP6ControlLib.h"
#include <stdint.h>
        // Always needs to be included!

// NL-552ETTL functions:
char parseBuffer[256];
uint16_t parseBuffer_length = 0;
uint8_t parseBuffer_pos = 0;

 * Clears the parseBuffer
void clearParseBuffer(void)
  parseBuffer_pos = 0;
  parseBuffer_length = 0;

 * Writes received byte data into buffer parseBuffer and returns if a full
 * NMEA sentence has been received. Then the buffer is terminated with 0.
 * Returns 0 if a sentence has been detected and buffer is ready.
 * Returns 1 if no sentence has been received yet
 * Returns 2 if buffer overflow occured
uint8_t parseNMEAsentence(char *sentence, uint8_t data)
  static uint8_t startflag = false;
  static char last_data[10];
  uint16_t length = 0;
  uint8_t i = 0;

  if(data == 0)
    return 1;


  if(length > 10)
    length = 10;

  for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
    last_data[i] = last_data[i + 1];

  last_data[9] = data;

  parseBuffer[parseBuffer_pos] = data;

  if(parseBuffer_pos > 254)
    startflag = false;
    return 2;

  if(!startflag && (strstr(last_data, sentence) != NULL))
  { // Chosen sentence start
    for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
      parseBuffer[i] = sentence[i];

    parseBuffer_pos = length;
    parseBuffer_length = length;
    startflag = true;

    if(data == '\r')
    {    // Chosen sentence end
      parseBuffer[parseBuffer_pos] = 0;
      last_data[9] = 0;
      startflag = false;
      return 0;
  return 1;

 * Outputs true, if the NMEA sentence in parseBuffer is intact,
 * else returns false.
uint8_t checkNMEAsentence(void)
  uint8_t i, cs;
  char cs_str[3];

  if(parseBuffer_length < 18) return false;
  if(parseBuffer_length > 82) return false;
  if(parseBuffer[0] != '$') return false;
  if(parseBuffer[parseBuffer_length - 4] != '*') return false;

  cs = parseBuffer[1];
  for(i = 2; i < (parseBuffer_length - 4); i++)
    cs ^= parseBuffer[i];   // Calculate checksum

  itoa(cs, &cs_str[0], HEX);
  strupr(&cs_str[0]);    // cs as uppercase chars
  if((cs_str[0] != parseBuffer[parseBuffer_length - 3])
  || (cs_str[1] != parseBuffer[parseBuffer_length - 2])) return false;

  return true;
 * Outputs a result string containing the data with index of the NMEA
 * sentence in parseBuffer.
void parseNMEAitem(char *result, uint8_t index)
  uint8_t index_cnt, buffer_idx, result_idx;

  index_cnt = index;
  buffer_idx = 6;

    if(parseBuffer[buffer_idx++] == ',')

  result_idx = 0;

  while((parseBuffer[buffer_idx] != ',')
    && (parseBuffer[buffer_idx] != '*'))
    result[result_idx++] = parseBuffer[buffer_idx++];

  result[result_idx] = 0;

typedef struct
  int32_t latitude;
  int32_t longitude;
} geographic_t;

/* mapping of location difference ratios to the range [0; 45[ degrees: */
static const int16_t ATAN[45] = {
    8,  26,  43,  61,  78,  96, 113, 131, 149, 167,
  185, 203, 221, 240, 258, 277, 296, 315, 334, 354,
  373, 393, 414, 434, 455, 476, 498, 520, 542, 565,
  589, 612, 637, 661, 687, 713, 739, 767, 795, 824,
  854, 884, 916, 948, 982 };

/* the destination coordinates times 1000 */
static const geographic_t DESTINATION = {52011, 11686}; //schönebeck start

/* convert location difference ratio to an angle.
 *   ratio -- ratio of location differences
 *   returns angle in degrees
static int16_t ratio2angle(int32_t ratio)
  uint8_t i;

  for(i=0; i<45; i++)
    if(ratio < ATAN[i])
      return i;

  return 45;

/* get the direction to the destination
 *   current -- current location
 *   returns course angle in degrees
 *   0    <-> N
 *   90   <-> W
 *   180  <-> S
 *   270  <-> E
 *   -1   <-> destination reached
static int16_t get_direction(geographic_t * current)
  int32_t d_latitude, d_longitude, ratio;

  /* compute the coordinate differences: */
  d_latitude = DESTINATION.latitude - current->latitude;
  d_longitude = DESTINATION.longitude - current->longitude;

  /* compute the course depending on the 8th we are in: */
  if(d_longitude < 0) // 2nd or 3rd quadrant
    d_longitude = -d_longitude;

    if(d_latitude < 0) // 3rd quadrant
      d_latitude = -d_latitude;

      if(d_longitude > d_latitude) // upper 8th
        ratio = (d_latitude*1000)/d_longitude;
        return 90 + ratio2angle(ratio);
      else // lower 8th
        ratio = (d_longitude*1000)/d_latitude;
        return 180 - ratio2angle(ratio);

    else // 2nd quadrant
      if(d_longitude > d_latitude) // lower 8th
        ratio = (d_latitude*1000)/d_longitude;
        return 90 - ratio2angle(ratio);
      else // upper 8th
        ratio = (d_longitude*1000)/d_latitude;
        return ratio2angle(ratio);
  else // 1st or 4th quadrant
    if(d_latitude < 0) // 4th_quadrant
      d_latitude = -d_latitude;

      if(d_longitude > d_latitude) // upper 8th
        ratio = (d_latitude*1000)/d_longitude;
        return 270 - ratio2angle(ratio);
      else // lower 8th
        ratio = (d_longitude*1000)/d_latitude;
        return 180 + ratio2angle(ratio);
    else // 1st quadrant
      if(d_longitude > d_latitude) // lower 8th
        ratio = (d_latitude*1000)/d_longitude;
        return 270+ratio2angle(ratio);
      else if(d_latitude) // upper 8th
        ratio = (d_longitude*1000)/d_latitude;
        return 360 - ratio2angle(ratio);
        // we are at the destination:
        return -1;

/* convert latitude coordinate string to degrees
 *   latitude -- string with format ddmm.mmmm
 *   return degrees * 1000 as integer
static int32_t latitude2int(const char * latitude)
  int32_t degrees, minutes;    

  degrees  = (int32_t)(latitude[0] - '0') * 10000;   
  degrees += (latitude[1] - '0') * 1000;

  minutes  = (int32_t)(latitude[2] - '0') * 10000; 
  minutes += (latitude[3] - '0') * 1000; 
  minutes += (latitude[5] - '0') * 100;  
  minutes += (latitude[6] - '0') * 10;  
  minutes += (latitude[7] - '0');   
  degrees += minutes / 60;

  return degrees;

/* convert longitude coordinate string to degrees
 *   latitude -- string with format dddmm.mmmm
 *   return degrees * 1000 as integer
static int32_t longitude2int(const char * longitude)
  int32_t degrees, minutes;

  degrees  = (int32_t)(longitude[0] - '0') * 100000;
  degrees += (int32_t)(longitude[1] - '0') * 10000;
  degrees += (longitude[2] - '0') * 1000;

  minutes  = (int32_t)(longitude[3] - '0') * 10000;
  minutes += (int32_t)(longitude[4] - '0') * 1000;
  minutes += (longitude[6] - '0') * 100;
  minutes += (longitude[7] - '0') * 10;
  minutes += (longitude[8] - '0');

  degrees += minutes / 60;

  return degrees;

/* convert string coordinates to geographic coordinates
 *   latitude   -- string with format dddmm.mmmm
 *   longitude  -- string with format ddmm.mmmm
 *   coordinate -- pointer to geographic type for output
static void convert_coordinates(const char * latitude, const char * longitude, geographic_t * coordinate)
  coordinate->latitude = latitude2int(latitude);
  coordinate->longitude = longitude2int(longitude);

 * Write a floating point number to the LCD.
 * Example:
 *   // Write a floating point number to the LCD (no exponent):
 *   writeDoubleLCD(1234567.890, 11, 3);
 * The value of prec (precision) defines the number of decimal places.
 * For 32 bit floating point variables (float, double ...) 6 is
 * the max. value for prec (7 relevant digits).
 * The value of width defines the overall number of characters in the
 * floating point number including the decimal point. The number of
 * pre-decimal positions is: (width - prec - 1).
void writeDoubleLCD(double number, uint8_t width, uint8_t prec)
{char buffer[width + 1];
 dtostrf(number, width, prec, &buffer[0]);

// Main function - The program starts here:
int main(void)
  /* init controller and LC-Display: */

  /* blink LEDs and show startup message: */
  // Write a text message to the LCD:
  showScreenLCD("######GPS#######", "################");


  while(true) // main program loop
    uint8_t ch;

    /* clear buffers */

    /* receive data from GPS module: */
      ch = readChar();
    } while(parseNMEAsentence("$GPRMC", ch));

    if(checkNMEAsentence()) // data ok?
      char lat[12];
      char lon[12];
      char item[12];
      int16_t course_angle;
      geographic_t current={0}; 

      /* extract latitude and longitude: */
      strcpy(lat, "0211.1111"); 
      strcpy(lon, "11135.5000"); 

      /* convert to geographic type and compute course angle: */
      convert_coordinates(lat, lon, &current);
      course_angle = get_direction(&current);

      /* correct 360° course */
      if(course_angle == 360)
        course_angle = 0;

     /* prepare coordinates for display: */ 
     if(lat[0] == '0') // leading zero?    
       lat[0] = lat[1];   
       lat[1] = '°';      
       lat[4] = '\'';   
       lat[5] = 0;    
        lat[4] = lat[3];
        lat[3] = lat[2];
        lat[2] = '°';
        lat[5] = '\'';
        lat[6] = 0;

      if(lon[0] == '0') // leading zero?
        if(lon[1] == '0') // two leading zeros?
          lon[0] = lon[2];
          lon[1] = '°';
          lon[2] = lon[3];
          lon[3] = lon[4];
          lon[4] = '\'';
          lon[5] = 0;
          lon[0] = lon[1];
          lon[1] = lon[2];
          lon[2] = '°';
          lon[5] = '\'';
          lon[6] = 0;
        lon[4] = lon[3];
        lon[3] = lon[2];
        lon[2] = '°';
        lon[5] = '\'';
        lon[6] = 0;

      /* show coordinates: */
      setCursorPosLCD(0, 0);  // line 1
	  parseNMEAitem(lat, 3);
      writeStringLCD("Lat:");  writeStringLCD(lat);

      setCursorPosLCD(1, 0);  // line 2
      parseNMEAitem(lon, 5);
      writeStringLCD("Lon:");  writeStringLCD(lon);



      setCursorPosLCD(0, 0);  // line 1
      parseNMEAitem(item, 7);
      writeStringLCD("Speed:");  writeStringLCD(item); writeStringLCD(" KN");

      /* avoid float calculations: */
      item[2] = item[3];
      item[3] = 0;

      int32_t a = atoi(item);

      a = a * 1852;
      a = a / 10000;
      setCursorPosLCD(1, 0);  // line 1

      writeStringLCD("Speed:"); writeIntegerLCD(a, DEC); writeStringLCD(" KM/H");


      setCursorPosLCD(0, 0);  // line 1

      if(course_angle < 0)
        writeStringLCD("Ziel erreicht!");
        writeStringLCD("Ziel:");  writeIntegerLCD(course_angle, DEC);
  return 0;

Dieser Script war für meinen RP6 angepasst. Kann mir wer dabei helfen in für den PI klar zu machen?