* This function initiates a RC5 transmission with the IRCOMM.
* You need to call the "task_ACS()" function (s. below) frequently
* out of the main loop - otherwise it will not work! (this is required
* because it needs to be synchronized with the ACS...)
* The transmission itself is interrupt based and takes about 20ms.
* Warning: The IRCOMM_sendRC5 function blocks ACS operation until
* transmission is finished!
* The address byte contains the device address and the togglebit.
* Address is 5 bit + 1 toggle bit, data is 6 bit.
* You can use some of the address bits for data if you need 8 bit
* data!
* Example:
* IRCOMM_sendRC5(10 | TOGGLEBIT, 40);
* // This transmits 40 to the device with address 10.
* // The togglebit is set.
* IRCOMM_sendRC5(10, 40);
* // This is nearly the same but the Togglebit is NOT set.
* IRCOMM_sendRC5(30, 60);
* // This is another transmission with device address 30 and 60 as data
* // with togglebit NOT set.
void IRCOMM_sendRC5(uint8_t adr, uint8_t data)