Hallo M256 WiFi Besitzer,

wie wäre es mit einer kleinen Schach-Partie?

Das geht ganz gut auch mit dem ATmega2560.

Datei: RP6M256_Chess.c:
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Example: Chess
 * Author(s): Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Description:
 * This program for RP6 Control M256 WiFi plays the game chess.
 * You will find further information here:
 *    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess
 *    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess
 * ############################################################################
 * The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
 * next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the USB Interface!
 * You should also connect to it via WIFI.
 * ############################################################################
 * ****************************************************************************

// Includes:

#include "RP6M256Lib.h" 					// The RP6 M256 Library. 
											// Always needs to be included!

// Defines:

#define HELP							// Display help

// Functions:

 * Gets a starting value for mysrand().
uint16_t get_seed(void)
	uint16_t seed = 0;
	uint16_t *p = (uint16_t*) (RAMEND + 1);
	extern uint16_t __heap_start;

	while (p >= &__heap_start + 1)
		seed ^= * (--p);

	return seed;

// micro-Max chess engine V4.8 by H. G. Muller:
// (http://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/max-src2.html)
/*                               micro-Max,                                */
/* A chess program smaller than 2KB (of non-blank source), by H.G. Muller  */
/* Port to Atmel ATMega644 and AVR GCC, by Andre Adrian                    */
/* (http://www.andreadrian.de/schach/index.html)                           */
/* version 4.8 (1953 characters) features:                                 */
/* - recursive negamax search                                              */
/* - all-capture MVV/LVA quiescence search                                 */
/* - (internal) iterative deepening                                        */
/* - best-move-first 'sorting'                                             */
/* - a hash table storing score and best move                              */
/* - futility pruning                                                      */
/* - king safety through magnetic, frozen king in middle-game              */
/* - R=2 null-move pruning                                                 */
/* - keep hash and repetition-draw detection                               */
/* - better defense against passers through gradual promotion              */
/* - extend check evasions in inner nodes                                  */
/* - reduction of all non-Pawn, non-capture moves except hash move (LMR)   */
/* - full FIDE rules (expt under-promotion) and move-legality checking     */

/* 26nov2008 no hash table                                                 */
/* 29nov2008 all IO via myputchar(), mygetchar(), pseudo random generator  */

#define W while
#define M 0x88
#define S 128
#define I 8000

long N, T;					/* N=evaluated positions+S, T=recursion limit   */
short Q,O,K,R,k=16;									/* k=moving side    */
char *p,c[5],Z;							/* p=pointer to c, c=user input,*/
									/* computer output, Z=recursion counter */

char L,
w[]={0,2,2,7,-1,8,12,23},						/* relative piece values    */
o[]={-16,-15,-17,0,1,16,0,1,16,15,17,0,14,18,31,33,0,/* step-vector lists*/
     7,-1,11,6,8,3,6,							/* 1st dir. in o[] per piece*/
     6,3,5,7,4,5,3,6},							/* initial piece setup      */
b[]={		/* board is left part, center-pts table is right part, and dummy*/
  22, 19, 21, 23, 20, 21, 19, 22, 28, 21, 16, 13, 12, 13, 16, 21, 
  18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 22, 15, 10,  7,  6,  7, 10, 15, 
   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 18, 11,  6,  3,  2,  3,  6, 11, 
   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 16,  9,  4,  1,  0,  1,  4,  9, 
   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 16,  9,  4,  1,  0,  1,  4,  9, 
   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 18, 11,  6,  3,  2,  3,  6, 11, 
   9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9, 22, 15, 10,  7,  6,  7, 10, 15, 
  14, 11, 13, 15, 12, 13, 11, 14, 28, 21, 16, 13, 12, 13, 16, 21, 0

volatile char breakpoint;									/* for debugger */

/* User interface routines */
void myputchar(char c) {

void myputs(const char *s) {
  while(*s) myputchar(*s++);

char mygetchar(void) {
  char tmp;
  do {tmp = readChar_WIFI();}
  while (tmp == 0);
  if(c[0] == 13) c[0] = 10;
  return tmp;
//  return 10;							/* self play computer with computer */

/* 16bit pseudo random generator */
#define MYRAND_MAX 65535

unsigned short r = 1;						/* pseudo random generator seed */

void mysrand(unsigned short r_) {
 r = r_;

unsigned short myrand(void) {
 return r=((r<<11)+(r<<7)+r)>>1;

short D(q,l,e,E,z,n)							/* recursive minimax search */
short q,l,e;						/* (q,l)=window, e=current eval. score, */
unsigned char E,z,n;		/* E=e.p. sqr.z=prev.dest, n=depth; return score*/        
 short m,v,i,P,V,s;
 unsigned char t,p,u,x,y,X,Y,H,B,j,d,h,F,G,C;
 signed char r;

 if (++Z>30) {										/* stack underrun check */
  breakpoint=1;				/*  AVR Studio 4 Breakpoint for stack underrun  */
  --Z;return e;                                    
 q--;											/* adj. window: delay bonus */
 k^=24;											/* change sides             */
 d=Y=0;											/* start iter. from scratch */
 X=myrand()&~M;								/* start at random field    */
 W(d++<n||d<3||								/* iterative deepening loop */
   z&K==I&&(N<T&d<98||							/* root: deepen upto time   */
   (K=X,L=Y&~M,d=3)))							/* time's up: go do best    */
 {x=B=X;										/* start scan at prev. best */
  h=Y&S;										/* request try noncastl. 1st*/
  P=d<3?I:D(-l,1-l,-e,S,0,d-3);				/* Search null move         */
  m=-P<l|R>35?d>2?-I:e:-P;						/* Prune or stand-pat       */
  ++N;											/* node count (for timing)  */
  do{u=b[x];									/* scan board looking for   */
   if(u&k)										/*  own piece (inefficient!)*/
   {r=p=u&7;									/* p = piece type (set r>0) */
    j=o[p+16];									/* first step vector f.piece*/
    W(r=p>2&r<0?-r:-o[++j])					/* loop over directions o[] */
    {A:											/* resume normal after best */
     y=x;F=G=S;									/* (x,y)=move, (F,G)=castl.R*/
     do{										/* y traverses ray, or:     */
      H=y=h?Y^h:y+r;							/* sneak in prev. best move */
      if(y&M)break;								/* board edge hit           */
      m=E-S&b[E]&&y-E<2&E-y<2?I:m;			/* bad castling             */
      if(p<3&y==E)H^=16;						/* shift capt.sqr. H if e.p.*/
      t=b[H];if(t&k|p<3&!(y-x&7)-!t)break;	/* capt. own, bad pawn mode */
      i=37*w[t&7]+(t&192);						/* value of capt. piece t   */
      m=i<0?I:m;								/* K capture                */
      if(m>=l&d>1)goto C;						/* abort on fail high       */
      v=d-1?e:i-p;								/* MVV/LVA scoring          */
      if(d-!t>1)								/* remaining depth          */
      {v=p<6?b[x+8]-b[y+8]:0;					/* center positional pts.   */
       b[G]=b[H]=b[x]=0;b[y]=u|32;			/* do move, set non-virgin  */
       if(!(G&M))b[F]=k+6,v+=50;				/* castling: put R & score  */
       v-=p-4|R>29?0:20;						/* penalize mid-game K move */
       if(p<3)									/* pawns:                   */
       {v-=9*((x-2&M||b[x-2]-u)+				/* structure, undefended    */
              (x+2&M||b[x+2]-u)-1				/*        squares plus bias */
             +(b[x^16]==k+36))					/* kling to non-virgin King */
             -(R>>2);							/* end-game Pawn-push bonus */
        V=y+r+1&S?647-p:2*(u&y+16&32);		/* promotion or 6/7th bonus */
        b[y]+=V;i+=V;							/* change piece, add score  */
       v+=e+i;V=m>q?m:q;						/* new eval and alpha       */
       C=R>29|d<3|P-I?C:d;						/* extend 1 ply if in check */
        s=C>2|v>V?-D(-l,-V,-v,					/* recursive eval. of reply */
                              F,0,C):v;			/* or fail low if futile    */
       if(z&&K-I&&v+I&&x==K&y==L)				/* move pending & in root:  */
       {Q=-e-i;O=F;							/*   exit if legal & found  */
        R+=i>>7;--Z;return l;					/* captured non-P material  */
       b[G]=k+6;b[F]=b[y]=0;b[x]=u;b[H]=t;	/* undo move,G can be dummy */
      if(v>m)									/* new best, update max,best*/
       m=v,X=x,Y=y|S&F;						/* mark double move with S  */
      if(h){h=0;goto A;}						/* redo after doing old best*/
      if(x+r-y|u&32|							/* not 1st step,moved before*/
         p>2&(p-4|j-7||						/* no P & no lateral K move,*/
         b[G=x+3^r>>1&7]-k-6					/* no virgin R in corner G, */
         ||b[G^1]|b[G^2])						/* no 2 empty sq. next to R */
        )t+=p<5;								/* fake capt. for nonsliding*/
      else F=y;									/* enable e.p.              */
     }W(!t);									/* if not capt. continue ray*/
  }}}W((x=x+9&~M)-B);							/* next sqr. of board, wrap */
C:if(m>I-M|m<M-I)d=98;							/* mate holds to any depth  */
  m=m+I|P==I?m:0;								/* best loses K: (stale)mate*/
    breakpoint=2;			/* AVR Studio 4 Breakpoint for moves, watch c[] */
//    printf("%2d ply, %9d searched, score=%6d by %c%c%c%c\n",d-1,N-S,m,
//     'a'+(X&7),'8'-(X>>4),'a'+(Y&7),'8'-(Y>>4&7));/* uncomment for Kibitz */   
 }												/*    encoded in X S,8 bits */
 k^=24;											/* change sides back        */
 --Z;return m+=m<e;							/* delayed-loss bonus       */

//void print_board(void)
// short N=-1;
// W(++N<121)
//  myputchar(N&8&&(N+=7)?10:".?inkbrq?I?NKBRQ"[b[N]&15]);		/* Pawn is i*/

// micro-Max chess engine V4.8 end.

void print_new_board(void)
 myputs("  A B C D E F G H");
 short N=-1;
    if (N&8&&(N+=7)) {
	  myputchar(' ');
	  writeInteger_WIFI(8-(N>>4), DEC);
#ifdef HELP
	  myputchar(' ');
	  myputchar(' ');
		case 15: myputs("kK = King");
		case 31: myputs("qQ = Queen");
		case 47: myputs("rR = Rook");
		case 63: myputs("nN = Knight");
		case 79: myputs("bB = Bishop");
		case 95: myputs("iI = Pawn");
		case 111: myputs("i = BLACK, I = WHITE Pawn");
		case 127: myputs("Move: c2c4<ENTER><ENTER>");
        default: myputchar(10);
	  if (N < 127) writeInteger_WIFI(7-(N>>4), DEC);
    else {
	  if (!N) myputchar('8');
	  myputchar(' ');
	  myputchar(".?inkbrq?I?NKBRQ"[b[N]&15]);					/* Pawn is i*/
 myputs("  A B C D E F G H");

// Main function - The program starts here:

int main(void)
	initRP6M256();    // Always call this first! The Processor will not work
					  // correctly otherwise. 

	initLCD(); // Initialize the LC-Display (LCD)
			   // Always call this before using the LCD!

	// Now write Text via the WIFI Interface:
	writeString_P_WIFI("\n\n   _______________________\n");
	writeString_P_WIFI("   \\| RP6  ROBOT SYSTEM |/\n");
	writeString_P_WIFI("    \\_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/\n\n");

	writeString_P_WIFI("Chess for RP6 CONTROL M256 WIFI!\n"); 

	// Set the four Status LEDs:

	showScreenLCD("################", "################");
	showScreenLCD("RP6v2-M256-WIFI ", "<<LC - DISPLAY>>");
	showScreenLCD("   Chess 1.1    ", "  ************  ");
	clearLCD(); // Clear the whole LCD Screen

// micro-Max chess engine V4.8 (initialisation):
 mysrand(get_seed());						/*   make myrand() calls random */
// micro-Max chess engine V4.8 (play loop):
 do{												/* play loop            */
  p=c;W((*p++=mygetchar())>10);					/* read input line      */
  K=I;												/* invalid move         */
  if(*c-10)K=*c-16*c[1]+799,L=c[2]-16*c[3]+799;	/* parse entered move   */
  N=0;T=0x3F;									/* T=Computer Play strength */
 }W(D(-I,I,Q,O,1,3)>-I+1);						/* think or check & do  */


	return 0;

 * Additional info
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Changelog:
 * - v. 1.1 New board & help text added 03.01.2014 by Dirk
 * - v. 1.0 (initial release) 03.01.2014 by Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************

1. Im makefile die Zeile:
OPT = s
... ersetzen durch:
OPT = 2

2. Die Warnungen beim Kompilieren ignorieren!

3. Die Ausgaben des Programms erfolgen auf dem WiFi Terminal.

Viel Spaß!