hallo, 2x in bascom, I2C beschreiben und lesen.
je nachdem wie du die adresse am eeprom 24c512 geschaltet hast, kontaktiert hast.
bei mir war es die adresse 160 und 161.
geh das programm in ruhe durch, habe ich auch im forum gefunden.
mfg pebisoft.
i2c-eeprom lesen, ausgabe auf dem lcd :
$regfile = "m16def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
Enable Interrupts
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.3 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portc.1 , Db7 = Portc.0 , Rs = Portc.5 , E = Portc.4
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Portd = Output
Config Sda = Portd.6
Config Scl = Portd.7
Lcd "EE - Test"
Waitms 500
Declare Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Word , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Word , Value As Byte)
Const Addressw = 160 'slave write address
Const Addressr = 161 'slave read address
Dim I As Word
Dim B1 As Byte , Adres As Word , Value As Byte
Dim Temp As Byte
For I = 15600 To 15700
Call Read_eeprom(i , Value)
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd I ; "= " ; Value ; " ";
Waitms 500
Next I
Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres Word , Byval Value As Byte)
Temp = High(adres)
I2cstart 'start condition
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave address
I2cwbyte Temp 'asdress of EEPROM
I2cwbyte Adres
I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
I2cstop 'stop condition
Waitms 10 'wait for 10 milliseconds
End Sub
Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres Word , Value As Byte)
Temp = High(adres)
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave adsress
I2cwbyte Temp
I2cwbyte Adres 'address of EEPROM
I2cstart 'repeated start
I2cwbyte Addressr 'slave address (read)
I2crbyte Value , Nack 'read byte
I2cstop 'generate stop
End Sub
' when you want to control a chip with a larger memory like the 24c64 it requires an additional byte
' to be sent (consult the datasheet):
' Wires from the I2C address that are not connected will default to 0 in most cases!
' I2cstart 'start condition
' I2cwbyte &B1010_0000 'slave address
' I2cwbyte H 'high address
' I2cwbyte L 'low address
' I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
' I2cstop 'stop condition
' Waitms 10
i2c-eeprom schreiben :
$regfile = "m16def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
Enable Interrupts
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.0 , Db5 = Portc.1 , Db6 = Portc.2 , Db7 = Portc.3 , Rs = Portc.5 , E = Portc.4
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Portd = Output
Config Sda = Portd.6
Config Scl = Portd.7
Lcd "EE - Test"
Waitms 500
Declare Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Word , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Word , Value As Byte)
Const Addressw = 160 'slave write address
Const Addressr = 161 'slave read address
Dim I As Word
Dim B1 As Byte , Adres As Word , Value As Byte
Dim Temp As Byte
For I = 15600 To 15700
Value = I - 15600
Call Write_eeprom(i , Value)
Next I
Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres Word , Byval Value As Byte)
Temp = High(adres)
I2cstart 'start condition
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave address
I2cwbyte Temp 'asdress of EEPROM
I2cwbyte Adres
I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
I2cstop 'stop condition
Waitms 10 'wait for 10 milliseconds
End Sub
Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres Word , Value As Byte)
Temp = High(adres)
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave adsress
I2cwbyte Temp
I2cwbyte Adres 'address of EEPROM
I2cstart 'repeated start
I2cwbyte Addressr 'slave address (read)
I2crbyte Value , Nack 'read byte
I2cstop 'generate stop
End Sub
' I2cstart 'start condition
' I2cwbyte &B1010_0000 'slave address
' I2cwbyte H 'high address
' I2cwbyte L 'low address
' I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
' I2cstop 'stop condition
' Waitms 10