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Example_Hallo_01.c :
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Example: Ask for user's name
 * Author(s): Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Description:
 * This sample program shows how to use the RP6Library functions to receive
 * data with the serial interface. It asks for the user's name.
 * ############################################################################
 * The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
 * next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the USB Interface!
 * ############################################################################
 * ****************************************************************************

// Includes:

#include "RP6RobotBaseLib.h" 	// The RP6 Robot Base Library.
								// Always needs to be included!

// Ask for the user's name

 * Here we ask for the user's name and receive the answer from the user. 
 * The function uses some of the reception routines of the RP6Library.
 * It is called from the main loop (s. below).
void askAQuestion(void)
	uint8_t charsToReceive;
	writeString_P("Wie heisst du? (max. 32 Zeichen)\n"); 
	charsToReceive = 32;  // we want to receive maximum 32 characters
	// ------------------------------------------
	// Receive Answer (UPDATED - this was changed for compatibility with new RP6Lib):
	char receiveBuffer[charsToReceive+1]; // our reception buffer is one byte larger
										  // than the data we want to receive, because
										  // we also need to receive the "Newline" character!

	clearReceptionBuffer(); // Make sure reception Buffer is empty and no junk data 
							// is left in it.
	uint8_t buffer_pos = 0;
	while(true) // Loop until we received one line of Data!
		if(getBufferLength())    // Check if we still have data (means getBufferLength() 
		{						 // is not zero)	
			receiveBuffer[buffer_pos] = readChar(); // get next character from reception buffer
			if(receiveBuffer[buffer_pos]=='\n') // End of line detected!
				receiveBuffer[buffer_pos]='\0'; // Terminate String with a 0, so other routines.
				buffer_pos = 0;                 // can determine where it ends!
												// We also overwrite the Newline character here.
				break; // We are done and can leave reception loop!
			else if(buffer_pos >= charsToReceive) // IMPORTANT: We can not receive more 
			{								 	  // characters than "charsToReceive" because
												  // our buffer wouldn't be large enough!
				receiveBuffer[charsToReceive]='\0';	// So if we receive more characters, we just 
												     // stop reception and terminate the String.
				writeString_P("\n\nDu hast mehr Zeichen als erlaubt eingegeben!\n");
				break; // We are done and can leave reception loop!
	// ------------------------------------------
	// Do something with the received answer:
	// Question: What's your name?
	writeString_P("Hallo \"");
	writeString(receiveBuffer); // Output the user's name as a String
	writeString_P("\" !\n");

// Main function - The program starts here:

int main(void)
	initRobotBase(); // Always call this first! The Processor will not work
					 // correctly otherwise.

	setLEDs(0b111111); // Turn all LEDs on
	mSleep(500);       // delay 500ms
	setLEDs(0b000000); // All LEDs off

	// Write a message to UART:
	writeString_P("\nHallo! Mein Name ist RP6!\n\n");
	askAQuestion();	// Ask for the name and write it to UART

	writeString_P("\nDas war's! Hier ist das Programm zuende!\n\n");
	while(true)	{
	};				// Here we rest in peace!
	// ---------------------------------------

	return 0;

// EOF
Gruß Dirk