- LiFePO4 Speicher Test         
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Ergebnis 31 bis 35 von 35

Thema: Initialisierung eines ADNS 9500

  1. #31
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    LiFePo4 Akku selber bauen - Video
    Did you remove both stickers from the lense and laser? I am running out of suggestions , it appears to me your sensor does not see any image. As long as the sensor does not see an image, you will not get a motion.

    Good luck!

  2. #32
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    Yes, both stickers are removed. How have you build yours? Surface mounted? You have any pictures?

    I'm guessing you do these too:

    1. Apply power to VDD5/VDD3 and VDDIO in any order
    2. Drive NCS high, and then low to reset the SPI port.
    3. Write 0x5a to Power_Up_Reset register (address 0x3a).
    4. Wait for at least 50ms time.
    5. Read from registers 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06
    (or read these same 5 bytes from burst motion register)
    one time regardless of the motion pin state.
    6. SROM download
    7. Enable laser by setting Forced_Disable bit (bit-0) of LASER_CTRL0 register (address 0x20) to 0.

    Do you do anything else?

  3. #33
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    Hey, still there? Maybe there is a better way for us to communicate? Email? IRC? You are currently my only hope getting this to work properly, and I don't want to give up! I was even thinking maybe sending you the hardware for you too look at if you could (unless photos is enough)...

  4. #34
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    Why do you think the sensor sees no image? Can you tell me what voltage you get on relevant pins?

  5. #35

    Ich arbeite momentan an einem Projekt wo ich eine Distanzmessung mit hilfe eines adns 9500 realisieren möchte.

    Leider klappt es nicht so wie ich es gärne hätte.

    Könnte mir jemand vielleichter seinen Code schicken, damit ich eine Vorlage habe und so meine Probleme lösen kann.

    Würde auch einpaar gute Weinflaschen schicken.

    Vielen Dank für eure Rückmeldungen


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