Hello all

Hope you don't mind me asking something in English (my German isn't as good as it should be

I'm trying to let my Asuro talk with my Symbian phone (nokia E51) via IR. However the communication isn't going as it should. On the phone I made a quick app to write and read via Serial IR using the default Asuro settings (2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop, no handshake/parity). Reading from the phone gives consistent but wrong data (eg 'A' always appears as a '}', 'T' as a 'W'). Writing from the phone is never received by the Asuro.

When doing the same tests to the serial IR receiver/transmitter I get slightly different results: writing from the phone displays random data on my PC but reading now works as it should.

The communication between the serial IR device and Asuro works perfectly fine btw.

Anybody has an idea on this? (German replies are OK, it's just my German writing being bad). Also I'm a real n00b on robotics, Asuro made me learn soldering