- added support for KS108 with 3 chips : 192 * 64
- The timeout for the
USB programmers that need LIBUSB can be adjusted in the options. Some
USB1.1 hubs in combination with
a lot of
USB devices connected, need a bigger timeout. Default is 100 (msec). But you can increase in steps till it works properly.
- M128can and M32CAN used wrong timer2 definition when configuring the timer2.
- m165 dat file needed the TCCR2 alias for TCCR2A.
- attiny13 did not start when using START TIMER0
- generated files are in same case as the source file
- tiny25,tiny45,tiny85 used the wrong register when updating the prescaler
- simulator with real RS-232 data, did not set data receive interrupt. So when using buffered serial IO, it would not be read.
- cls LINE for KS108 did not worked for the entire line(different chips)
- tiny2313 compare config for OC0A did not send portb.2 but portd.6
- ___LTMPC was created twice. Does not have impact but looks odd in the report.
- .DEF will now report error 358 if a def is used twice
- M88PDEF.DAT had a wrong interrupt table(wrong address), WRAP value was wrong too.
- Instead of a label or number, you can also use relative jumps + will jump forward, - backward
rjmp +1 ; address +1 rcall -2 ; call address at address -2 rjmp 0 ; goto RESET address !
- display accepts 3 parameters : DISPLAY ON|OFF , CURSOR|NOCURSOR , BLINK|NOBLINK
while you can also use cursor for this, the cursor commands uses an internal variable, which in some cases can get confused.
The display statements will write the value that reflects the parameters and does not use an internal variable to maintain the state.
- M124P,324P and 644P had TCCR2 mapped to the wrong register in the def file. it should map to TCCR2A and not to TCCR2B
- M48,88,168 did not used AS2 bit to set the Async mode