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Thema: Hat jemand mal ein paar Beispiele für BASCOM EInsteiger?

  1. #1

    Hat jemand mal ein paar Beispiele für BASCOM EInsteiger?


    LiFePo4 Akku selber bauen - Video
    ich bin auch AVR Anfänger und möchte einen Mega16 mit Basic programmieren. Wie sieht denn da so ein einfaches Programm aus? Hat jemand mal ein paar Beispiele?

    - wie man LED blinken läst
    - Motor mit PWM steuert

    und sowas halt

  2. #2
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    Ich habe das auch mal gesucht, hier ein paar Beispielcodes:

    '                     SOUND.BAS
    '          Copyright 1999-2003 MCS Electronics
    Dim Pulses As Word, Periods As Word
    Pulses = 65535: Periods = 10000                               'set variables
    Speaker Alias Portb.1                                         'define port pin
    Sound Speaker, Pulses, Periods                                'make some noice
    'note that pulses and periods must have a high value for high XTALS
    'sound is only intended to make some noise!
    'pulses  range from 1-65535
    'periods range from 1-65535
    '                         (c) 2001-2003 MCS Electronics
    '                           servo.bas demonstrates the SERVO option
    'Servo's need a pulse in order to operate
    'with the config statement CONFIG Servos we can specify how many servo's we
    'will use and which port pins are used
    'A maximum of 16 Servos might be used
    'The SERVO statements use one byte for an interrupt counter and the TIMER0
    'This means that you can not use TIMER0 anymore
    'The reload value specifies the interval of the timer in uS
    'Config Servos = 2 , Servo1 = Portb.0 , Servo2 = Portb.1 , Reload = 10
    Config Servos = 1 , Servo1 = Portb.0 , Reload = 10
    'we use 2 Servos with 10 uS resolution(steps)
    'we must configure the port pins used to act as output
    Config Portb = Output
    'finally we must turn on the global interrupt
    Enable Interrupts
    'the servo() array is created automatic. You can used it to set the
    'time the servo must be on
    Servo(1) = 10                                               '10 times 10 = 100 uS on
    'Servo(2) = 20                                               '20 times 10 = 200 uS on
    Dim I As Byte
     For I = 0 To 100
       Servo(1) = I
       Waitms 1000
     For I = 100 To 0 Step -1
     '  Servo(1) = I
       Waitms 1000

    '                    TIMER0.BAS
    '     example that shows how to use TIMER0 related statements
    'First you must configure the timer to operate as a counter or as a timer
    'Lets configure it as a COUNTER now
    'You must also specify if it will count on a rising or falling edge
    Config Timer0 = Counter, Edge = Rising
    'Config Timer0 = Counter , Edge = falling
    'unremark the line aboven to use timer0 to count on falling edge
    'To get/set the value from the timer access the timer/counter register
    'lets reset it to 0
    Tcnt0 = 0
      Print Tcnt0
    Loop Until Tcnt0 >= 10
    'when 10 pulses are count the loop is exited
    'or use the special variable TIMER0
    Timer0 = 0
    'Now configire it as a TIMER
    'The TIMER can have the systemclock as an input or the systemclock divided
    'by 8,64,256 or 1024
    'The prescale parameter excepts 1,8,64,256 or 1024
    Config Timer0 = Timer, Prescale = 1
    'The TIMER is started now automaticly
    'You can STOP the timer with the following statement :
    Stop Timer0
    'Now the timer is stopped
    'To START it again in the last configured mode, use :
    Start Timer0
    'Again you can access the value with the tcnt0 register
    Print Tcnt0
    Print Timer0
    'when the timer overflows, a flag named TOV0 in register TIFR is set
    'You can use this to execute an ISR
    'To reset the flag manual in non ISR mode you must write a 1 to the bit position
    'in TIFR:
    Set Tifr.1
    'The following code shows how to use the TIMER0 in interrupt mode
    'The code is block remarked with '(  en ')
    'Configute the timer to use the clock divided by 1024
    Config Timer0 = Timer, Prescale = 1024
    'Define the ISR handler
    On Ovf0 Tim0_isr
    'you may also use TIMER0 for OVF0, it is the same
    Enable Timer0                                                 ' enable the timer interrupt
    Enable Interrupts                                             'allow interrupts to occur
       'your program goes here
    'the following code is executed when the timer rolls over
      Print "*";
    Beitere Beispiele unter http://www.mcselec.com/download_avr.htm

  3. #3
    Und wer eine Einführung sucht, der findet diese hier http://www.rowalt.de/mc/

  4. #4
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    Hallo zusammen,
    kann mir jemand sagen woher man das Programm Bascom bekommt (nicht nur die Demo)?? Ist das teuer?

  5. #5
    Benutzer Stammmitglied
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    hier kannst Du Bascom direkt für 79,- EUR bestellen


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LiFePO4 Speicher Test