ich hab heute beim RC Explorer folgen des gelesen ()er hat einen Tricopter mit einer KK STeuerung gebaut):

First flight impression: Wow!
The difference in stability was much more than I had anticipated. It feels more crisp, precise, locked in and stable. But I ran into some trouble on the first flight. One of the Hobbyking SS18 ESC’s kept shutting down after 15-20 seconds of flight. After some testing I found that the SS ESC’s do not like the 180Hz update rate of the KK board. The SS ESC’s are programmed to shut down if they receive a incorrect PPM signal. The software recognized the high update rate as a faulty signal and started to shut down. This is a great feature when you’re flying a plane with a FM receiver, but not when you’re trying to fly a tricopter. Unlike sensible people I did not buy three new ESC’s capable of running the higher PPM frequencies, but rather decided to try and modify the SS ESC’s.
Das beschreibt so ziemlich meine Probleme mit diesen Controllern, und meine Schlussfolgerung ist dieselbe.

Also bis auf weiteres Finger von den Dingern...
