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die Version ist raus. build 1
# VISTA 64 NOTE : either run as admin, or put the sample files in the document folder.
The Program Files folder does not allow changes.
- CONFIG SPI has a new option. Some SPI chips like to have sent a value of 0 when reading from the SPI. Others seem to require a 0.
The CONFIG SPI is enhanced with the option SPIN. SPIN = value. By default, the value is zero.
- updatewiz will backup ALL files in case you have selected to backup before you update.
the unzip process is also revised to be quicker.
- Max() function for words did not returned the right result.
- mkII USB Programmer support added. It has the same interface as the new stk500 interface.
IMPORTANT : RUN the setuplibusb.exe from the Bascom application dir once.
- stk500 support added. this is a native Programmer which does not need stk500.exe It replaces the stk500 V2 which used stk500.exe
see for more info the Help (stk500 programmer)
- at90pwm2_3.dat file, WDTCR added.
- USB1287 timer mapping corrected. (start/stop timer0/timer2)
- Quote() function added. var= quote(string) results in "string". Usable with HTML pages.
- $LCD and $LCDRS will have an automatic constant named ___LCDRS_ADR and ___LCD_ADR, which can be used in your own lib
- tiny84 had wrong page size, resulting in programming problems
- loading a bit from a constant variable data type bigger then byte, did not used the bit offset to load the bit :
portd.6 = someWord(1).15 ' failed to load the bit from the proper byte of the word
- parser of the IDE failed for &H with $hwstack,$swstack,$framesize.
- all word registers are placed in a [WIO] section. These are all written with MSB first, LSB last order.
A number of aliases are added to. For example TCNT1 will have an entry named TIMER1 too.
- optimized number of instructions in byte handeling.
- OUT instruction accepts port variables too. But take care, read the HELP.
- 2343def.dat timer0 alias added