Hier mal Dein Code zum mitlesen (ohne download)
$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 7372800
$hwstack = 100
$swstack = 75
$framesize = 40
Config Graphlcd = 240 * 128 , Dataport = Portb , Controlport = Portd , Ce = 2 , Cd = 1 , Wr = 4 , Rd = 3 , Reset = 0 , Fs = 5 , Mode = 6
Config Sda = Portc.1
Config Scl = Portc.0
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto
'****************** Variablen ********************************
Dim X As Word , Y As Word
Dim X2 As Single , Y2 As Single
Dim X3 As Single , Y3 As Single
Dim X4 As Byte , Y4 As Byte
Start Adc
Cursor Off
Gosub Readtouch
Locate 3 , 22
Lcd Y ; " analog Y "
Locate 4 , 22
Lcd X ; " analog X "
If Y > 170 Then
Y3 = Y - 170
Y2 = Y3 / 1.89
Y4 = Y2
Y4 = 0
End If
If X > 150 Then
X3 = X - 150
X2 = X3 / 1.78
X4 = X2
X4 = 0
End If
Locate 5 , 1
Lcd X4 ; " X"
Locate 6 , 1
Lcd Y4 ; " Y"
Pset X4 , Y4 , 255
Config Pina.0 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Config Pina.2 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Set Porta.0 ' Sets port F.0 High
Reset Porta.2 ' Sets port F.2 Low
Ddra.1 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input
Ddra.3 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
Y = Getadc(3) ' Read the ad value for the y
Y = 1024 - Y ' Invert the reading
Config Pina.1 = Output ' Makes port F.1 output
Config Pina.3 = Output ' Makes port F.3 output
Reset Porta.3 ' Sets port F.3 Low
Set Porta.1 ' Sets port F.1 High
Ddra.0 = 0 ' Sets port F.0 as input
Ddra.2 = 0 ' Sets port F.2 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
X = Getadc(2) ' Read the ad value for the x
X = 1024 - X ' Invert the reading