im Handbuch steht:
To refer to the bit number you must precede the variable name by BIT.
Sbrs R16 , BIT.B
interessanterweise geht auch
Dim Test1 As Bit, Test2 As Bit
ldi R24, 2^7+2^4+3
ORI R24, 2^bit.test1
ORI R24, 2^bit.test2

lds     r16,{Test1}
sbr     r16,2^bit.Test1
AVR Studio zeigt:
4:        ldi R24, 2^7+2^4+3
+0000001B:   LDI     R24,0x93         Load immediate
5:        ORI R24, 2^bit.test1
+0000001C:   ORI     R24,0x80         Logical OR with immediate
6:        ORI R24, 2^bit.test2
+0000001D:   ORI     R24,0x40         Logical OR with immediate