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Robby rp5 programming in assembly
Hello, sorry for my post in english, i have a question about programming robby, i would know if it is posible to programm robby (standard robby without the c-control II) in assembly language and are there any links about it. vielen dank
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Robotik Einstein
For the normal C-control there exist programms in assmebly, so there have to be programms for the RP5, too. Cause its the same chip. But I Don't know how to generate some code. I used code to send infrared codes. It worked very good. With 'normal' code the speed was too low.
MFg Moritz
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Robby rp5 programming in assembly
Ok thank you, i am looking for some sort of way to programm the robot in assembly and not in cbasic. So what i need is some information about a assembly compiler for robby. I have the robot for 3 days now so i think its better to look a the forum here perhaps the answer is already there.
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Robotik Einstein
Sorry, I really don't nothin about asmmbly compilers. But I'm sure there are some in the forum.
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Thank you i will look further on this forum
There is a ccontrol linux sdk, consisting of a ccupload tool, a cbasic compile AND an assembler (with documentation)
I only tried cbasic and cupload so far (both work fine)
there is a "hello world" assembler example, but that's it... so it will take some experimenting or further digging...
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