$regfile = "m644def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 32
$framesize = 40
$prog &HFF , &HE2 , &HD9 , &HFE ' BODEN=1,8V, JTAG disabled, sonst Standard
Config Clock = Soft , Gosub = Sectic
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , E = Portc.1 , Rs = Portc.0
Config Lcd = 16 * 2 , Chipset = Dogm162v3
' Timer1, Fast-PWM (Mode 15), Prescale = 1, variable Frequenz, Tast 1:1, OC1A -> ca. 32.768Hz
Tccr1a.7 = 0 ' COM1A1
Tccr1a.6 = 1 ' COM1A0
Tccr1a.1 = 1 ' WGM11
Tccr1a.0 = 1 ' WGM10
Tccr1b.4 = 1 ' WGM13
Tccr1b.3 = 1 ' WGM12
Tccr1b.2 = 0 ' CS12
Tccr1b.1 = 0 ' CS11
Tccr1b.0 = 1 ' CS10
Ocr1ah = 0
Ocr1al = 120
Cursor Off Noblink
Config Portd.0 = Output
Portd.0 = 0 ' GND MS5534
Sclk Alias Portd.1
Config Portd.1 = Output ' SCLK MS5534
Dout Alias Pind.2
Config Pind.2 = Input ' Dout MS5534
Din Alias Portd.3
Config Portd.3 = Output ' Din MS5534
Mclk Alias Portd.5
Config Portd.5 = Output ' MCLK MS5534
Config Portd.6 = Output
Portd.6 = 1 ' VDD MS5534
Const Hoehe = 610
Const Conv_start_press = &B1111010000000000
Const Conv_start_temp = &B1111001000000000
Const Read_cali_data_1 = &B1110101010000000
Const Read_cali_data_2 = &B1110101100000000
Const Read_cali_data_3 = &B1110110010000000
Const Read_cali_data_4 = &B1110110100000000
Const Reset_sequence = &B1010101010101010
Dim V As Word ' allgemeine Variable
Dim W As Word ' allgemeine Variable
Dim Temp_integer As Integer
Dim Temp_word As Word
Dim Temp_single As Single
Dim S As String * 6
' Globale Variable für originale Calibration Data aus Sensor
Dim W1 As Word
Dim W2 As Word
Dim W3 As Word
Dim W4 As Word
' Globale Variablen für umgerechneten Calibration Data
Dim C1 As Word
Dim C2 As Word
Dim C3 As Word
Dim C4 As Word
Dim C5 As Word
Dim C6 As Word
' Globale Variablen für Luftdruck und Temperatur aus Sensor
Dim D1 As Word
Dim D2 As Word
Dim Ut1 As Single
Dim Dt As Single
Dim T As Single
Dim T2 As Single
Dim Offset As Single
Dim Sens As Single
Dim P As Single
Dim P2 As Single
Dim Pm(8) As Single
' Prototypen definieren
Declare Sub Read_calibration_data(byval Adress As Word , Value As Word )
Gosub Contrastset
Locate 1 , 3 : Lcd "Test MS5534"
Locate 2 , 3 : Lcd "by Knickohr"
Enable Timer1
Enable Interrupts
'Wait 1
' Reset-Sequence
Temp_word = Reset_sequence
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Temp_word , 1 , 16 , 50
For V = 1 To 5
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
Waitus 100
Next V
' Calibration Data auslesen und auf Display ausgeben
Call Read_calibration_data(read_cali_data_1 , W1)
Call Read_calibration_data(read_cali_data_2 , W2)
Call Read_calibration_data(read_cali_data_3 , W3)
Call Read_calibration_data(read_cali_data_4 , W4)
Gosub Calc_calibration_data
'Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd W1
'Locate 1 , 9 : Lcd W2
'Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd W3
'Locate 2 , 9 : Lcd W4
'Wait 1
'Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd C1
'Locate 1 , 7 : Lcd C2
'Locate 1 , 12 : Lcd C3
'Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd C4
'Locate 2 , 6 : Lcd C5
'Locate 2 , 11 : Lcd C6
Wait 1
Locate 1 , 16 : Lcd "*"
' Pressure Measurement
' Reset-Sequence
Temp_word = Reset_sequence
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Temp_word , 1 , 16 , 50
For V = 1 To 5
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
Waitus 100
Next V
' Saubere Startbedingungen schaffen
Reset Sclk
Reset Din
' START + Adresse + STOP + 2x warten
Temp_word = Conv_start_press
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Temp_word , 1 , 12 , 50
V = 0
Do ' Warten auf "end of conversation"
Incr V
If V > 50 Then Exit Do
Waitms 1
Loop Until Dout = 0
If V < 50 Then ' nur wenn kein Timeout
Shiftin Dout , Sclk , D1 , 0 , 16 , 50
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
' Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd D1
' Else
' Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "Fehler Druck"
End If
' Temperature Measurement
' Reset-Sequence
Temp_word = Reset_sequence
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Temp_word , 1 , 16 , 50
For V = 1 To 5
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
Waitus 100
Next V
' Saubere Startbedingungen schaffen
Reset Sclk
Reset Din
' START + Adresse + STOP + 2x warten
Temp_word = Conv_start_temp
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Temp_word , 1 , 12 , 50
V = 0
Do ' Warten auf "end of conversation"
Incr V
If V > 50 Then Exit Do
Waitms 1
Loop Until Dout = 0
If V < 50 Then ' nur wenn kein Timeout
Shiftin Dout , Sclk , D2 , 0 , 16 , 50
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
' Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd D2
' Else
' Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "Fehler Temp"
End If
' Temperatur berechnen
Temp_single = 8 * C5
Ut1 = Temp_single + 20224
Dt = D2 - Ut1
Temp_single = C6 + 50
Temp_single = Temp_single * Dt
Temp_single = Temp_single / 1024
T = 200 + Temp_single
' Luftdruck berechnen
Temp_single = C4 - 512
Temp_single = Temp_single * Dt
Temp_single = Temp_single / 4096
Temp_word = C2 * 4
Offset = Temp_single + Temp_word
Temp_single = C3 * Dt
Temp_single = Temp_single / 1024
Temp_single = Temp_single + 24576
Sens = C1 + Temp_single
Temp_single = D1 - 7168
Temp_single = Sens * Temp_single
Temp_single = Temp_single / 16384
Temp_single = Temp_single - Offset
Temp_single = Temp_single * 10
Temp_single = Temp_single / 32
P = Temp_single + 2500
' Second-Order Temperature Compensation
Select Case T
Case Is < 200
Temp_single = 200 - T
Temp_single = Temp_single ^ 2
Temp_word = C6 + 24
Temp_single = Temp_single * Temp_word
Temp_single = 11 * Temp_single
T2 = Temp_single / 1048576
Temp_single = P - 3500
Temp_single = Temp_single * T2
Temp_single = Temp_single * 3
P2 = Temp_single / 16384
Case Is > 450
Temp_single = 450 - T
Temp_single = Temp_single ^ 2
Temp_word = C6 + 24
Temp_single = Temp_single * Temp_word
Temp_single = 3 * Temp_single
T2 = Temp_single / 1048576
Temp_single = P - 10000
Temp_single = Temp_single * T2
P2 = Temp_single / 8192
Case Else
T2 = 0
P2 = 0
End Select
T = T - T2
P = P - P2
' Mittelwertbildung über 8 Messungen
Select Case P ' Plausibilitätsprüfung
Case Is < 8000
Case Is > 11000
Case Else
For V = 1 To 7
W = V + 1
Pm(v) = Pm(w)
Next V
Pm(8) = P
If Pm(1) <> 0 Then ' allererste 7 Messung nicht mitteln
Temp_single = 0
For V = 1 To 8
Temp_single = Temp_single + Pm(v)
Next V
P = Temp_single / 8
End If
End Select
' Druckberechnung bezogen auf Meereshöhe
Temp_single = T / 10
Temp_single = Temp_single + 273.15
Temp_single = 0.0065 / Temp_single
Temp_single = Temp_single * Hoehe
Temp_single = 1 - Temp_single
Temp_single = Temp_single ^ 5.255
P = P / Temp_single
' Wait 1
' Cls
' Locate 1 , 5 : Lcd Time$
T = T * 10 ' 0.01° Resolution
Temp_integer = Round(t)
S = Str(temp_integer)
Locate 1 , 5 : Lcd Format(s , " 0.00") ; "ßC"
Temp_integer = Round(p)
S = Str(temp_integer)
Locate 2 , 3 : Lcd Format(s , " 0.0") ; "mbar"
Locate 1 , 16 : Lcd " "
Wait 1
V = 15
V = V And &B00001111
V = V + &B01110000
W = 15
Shift W , Right , 4
W = W + &B01010100
_temp1 = &B00101001
!rCall _Lcd_control
_temp1 = V
!rCall _Lcd_control
_temp1 = W
!rCall _Lcd_control
_temp1 = &B00101000
!rCall _Lcd_control
' C1 aus Word1 berechnen
C1 = W1
Shift C1 , Right , 1
' C2 aus Word3 und Word4 berechnen
C2 = W3 And &B0000000000111111
Shift C2 , Left , 6
Temp_word = W4 And &B0000000000111111
C2 = C2 + Temp_word
' C3 aus Word4 berechnen
C3 = W4
Shift C3 , Right , 6
' C4 aus Word3 berechnen
C4 = W3
Shift C4 , Right , 6
' C5 aus Word1 und Word2 berechnen
C5 = W1 And &B0000000000000001
Shift C5 , Left , 10
Temp_word = W2
Shift Temp_word , Right , 6
C5 = C5 + Temp_word
' C6 aus Word2 berechnen
C6 = W2 And &B0000000000111111
Sub Read_calibration_data(byval Adress As Word , Value As Word )
' Saubere Startbedingungen schaffen
Reset Sclk
Reset Din
' START + Adresse + STOP + 1x warten
Shiftout Din , Sclk , Adress , 1 , 13 , 50
Shiftin Dout , Sclk , Value , 0 , 16 , 50
' weiteren SCLK für sauberen Abschluß
Pulseout Portd , 1 , 100
End Sub
Warum ich aber eigentlich hier bin : Ich habe mehrere MS5534, doch