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Thema: Bascom und AVR Dragon


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  1. #1
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    Bascom und AVR Dragon

    wie kann ich den AVR Dragon in Bascom einbinden?
    Phyton_rocks hatt bereits am 17.01 einige gute Anmerkungen dazu gemacht (Danke). Es muss eine cmd datei erstellt werden.
    der Inhalt soll für einen Atmega8 wie folgt aussehen:

    C:\Programme\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrDragon\AVRDragon.exe" -d ATmega8 -e -mi -pf -if %1

    Welche bedeuungen haben dabei die optionen?

    Gibt es weitere Möglichkeiten den Dragon in Bascom zu implementieren?

  2. #2
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
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    Oberhofen im Inntal (Tirol)

    Re: Bascom und AVR Dragon

    Zitat Zitat von maikatze
    C:\Programme\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrDragon\AVRDragon.exe" -d ATmega8 -e -mi -pf -if %1

    Welche bedeuungen haben dabei die optionen?
    Hallo maikatze!

    Führe das Programm "AVRDragon.exe" mit dem Kommandozeilenparameter "-h" aus. (z.B. so: "AVRDragon.exe -h"). Dann bekommst du eine Erklärung der Kommandozeilenparameter ausgegeben.

    Das sieht dann so aus:
    Usage: avrdragon.exe [commands] [options]
     -h, -?		Print this help.
     -he		Print exit codes.
     -e		Erase device.
     -f <fusebytes>	Write high/low fuse bytes. The LSB of fusebytes will be
    		written to the low fuse byte, and the MSB will be written
    		to the high fuse byte.
     -j <ID>	Read JTAG ID string. If an optional ID is specified, the
    		program will terminate if the read ID differs.
     -l <lockbyte>	Set the lock byte to the specified value.
     -p[f|e|b]	Program FLASH (-pf), EEPROM (-pe) or both (-pb) memories.
    		Requires input files specified with the -if (FLASH)
    		and/or -ie (EEPROM) options.
     -q		Read fuse bytes. If the selected device has extended fuse,
    		it will be also be read.
     -r[f|e|b]	Read FLASH (-rf), EEPROM (-re) or both (-rb) memories.
    		Requires output files specified with the -of (FLASH) and/or
    		-oe (EEPROM) options.
     -s		Read signature bytes.
     -v[f|e|b]	Verify FLASH (-vf), EEPROM (-ve) or both (vb) memories.
    		Requires input files specified with the -if (FLASH) and/or
    		-ie (EEPROM) options.
     -y		Read lock byte.
     -E <ext.fuse>	Write extended fuse byte.
     -F <fusebytes>	Verify high/low fuse bytes. The LSB of fusebytes will be
    		compared to the low fuse byte, and the MSB will be compared
    		to the high fuse byte.
     -L <lockbyte>	Verify the lock byte.
     -G <ext.fuse>	Verify the extended fuse byte against the given value.
     -O <address>	Read oscillator calibration byte. Address is location of byte
    		as specified in the device's data sheet.
     -S[f|e] <address>
    		Write oscillator calibration byte read with -O or -Z to given
    		location in FLASH (-Sf) or EEPROM (-Se).
     -W		Disable debugWIRE interface, enabling ISP mode. Only available
    		for debugWIRE devices.
     -Y		Perform the oscillator calibration sequence. See appnote
    		AVR053 for more information.
     -Z <address>	Load value from address in EEPROM prior to erasing the device.
    		This value can be written to FLASH or EEPROM again with
    		the -S[f|e] command.
     -ae <start>,<end>
    		Specify address range for reading EEPROM memory. Default is
    		entire memory.
     -af <start>,<end>
    		Specify address range for reading FLASH memory. Default is
    		entire memory.
     -d <device>	[required] Specify the type of device.
     -ie <file>	Specify input file for programming EEPROM memory.
     -if <file>	Specify input file for programming FLASH memory.
     -m[i|j|p]	Choose programming mode: ISP (-mi), parallel/high-voltage (-mp)
    		or JTAG (-mj) (default).
     -oe <file>	Specify output file for reading EEPROM memory.
     -of <file>	Specify output file for reading FLASH memory.
     -z		No progress indicator. Useful when redirecting output to file.
     -D <devsbefore,devsafter,bitsbefore,bitsafter>
    		Set daisy chain settings. Only available in JTAG mode.
     -I <speed>	Specify ISP frequency (Hz). Only available for ISP mode.
     -J <speed>	Specify device speed (Hz). Only available for JTAG mode.
     -R		Apply external reset while programming. Only available in
    		JTAG mode.
    Example usage: avrdragon.exe -d ATmega128 -e -pf -if c:\tmp\test.hex
    Supported devices:
    	AT90CAN128, AT90CAN32, AT90CAN64, AT90USB1286, AT90USB1287, 
    	AT90USB646, AT90USB647, ATmega128, ATmega1280, ATmega1281, 
    	ATmega16, ATmega162, ATmega164P, ATmega165, ATmega165P, 
    	ATmega169, ATmega169P, ATmega2560, ATmega2561, ATmega32, 
    	ATmega324P, ATmega325, ATmega3250, ATmega3250P, ATmega325P, 
    	ATmega329, ATmega3290, ATmega3290P, ATmega329P, ATmega406, 
    	ATmega64, ATmega640, ATmega644, ATmega644P, ATmega645, 
    	ATmega6450, ATmega649, ATmega6490
    Supported devices for ISP, PARALELL/SERIAL HV mode and oscillator cal. only:
    	AT90PWM2, AT90PWM216, AT90PWM2B, AT90PWM3, AT90PWM316, AT90PWM3B, 
    	AT90USB162, AT90USB82, ATmega168, ATmega168P, ATmega16HVA, 
    	ATmega48, ATmega48P, ATmega88, ATmega88P, ATtiny13, ATtiny2313, 
    	ATtiny24, ATtiny25, ATtiny261, ATtiny44, ATtiny45, ATtiny461, 
    	ATtiny84, ATtiny85, ATtiny861


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