Hallo Andreas,
so läufts bei mir....
der AT24c512 hat ein festes Byte für Hardware Adresse
(nur das R/W-Bit ist variabel),
dann folgen 2Byte mit der eigentlichen Speicheradresse
die Speicheradresse musst du als word-Variable hochzählen (hier +16)
abhänig wieviele Bytes hintereinander geschrieben bzw. gelesen werden
'## Datenspeicher AT24c512 A1 und A0 auf +5V !! Hardware Adresse
Const Chip_w = &B10100110 'schreiben
Const Chip_r = &B10100111 'lesen
Dim Ebuffer(16) As Byte
Dim I As Word 'Pointer counter
Dim X As Word
Dim Adr As Word
Dim Eepromadr As Word
Declare Sub Schreibe_block(byval St_adr As Word)
Declare Sub Lese_block(byval St_adr As Word)
'** Define Subroutines **
'Schreib 16 Byte aus dem ebuffer in EEPROM
Sub Schreibe_block(st_adr As Word ) '
Local Adr_low As Byte
Local Adr_high As Byte
Adr_low = Low(st_adr) ' Extract low byte of address to be written.
Adr_high = High(st_adr) ' Extract high byte of addesss to be written.
I2cstart ' Send I2C Start.
I2cwbyte Chip_w ' EEPROM device type, address and write bit.
I2cwbyte Adr_high ' Send high address to write to.
I2cwbyte Adr_low ' Send low address to write to.
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(1) ': Print Ebuffer(1) --> nur zum debuggen
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(2) ': Print Ebuffer(2)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(3) ': Print Ebuffer(3)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(4) ': Print Ebuffer(4)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(5) ': Print Ebuffer(5)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(6) ': Print Ebuffer(6)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(7) ': Print Ebuffer(7)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(8) ': Print Ebuffer(8)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(9) ': Print Ebuffer(9)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(10) ': Print Ebuffer(10)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(11) ': Print Ebuffer(11)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(12) ': Print Ebuffer(12)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(13) ': Print Ebuffer(13)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(14) ': Print Ebuffer(14)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(15) ': Print Ebuffer(15)
I2cwbyte Ebuffer(16) ': Print Ebuffer(16)
'Waitms 10
End Sub
'lese 16 Byte in den ebuffer
Sub Lese_block(st_adr As Word)
Local Adr_low As Byte
Local Adr_high As Byte
Adr_low = Low(st_adr) ' Extract low byte of address to be written.
Adr_high = High(st_adr) ' Extract high byte of addesss to be written.
I2cstart ' Send I2C Start.
I2cwbyte Chip_w ' EEPROM device type, address and write bit.
I2cwbyte Adr_high ' Send high address to write to.
I2cwbyte Adr_low
I2cstart ' Issue another start sequence.
I2cwbyte Chip_r ' Select MicroChip EEPROM device type, address and read bit
I2crbyte Ebuffer(1) , Ack ' Read data from desired location in chip.
I2crbyte Ebuffer(2) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(3) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(4) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(5) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(6) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(7) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(8) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(9) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(10) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(11) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(12) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(13) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(14) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(15) , Ack
I2crbyte Ebuffer(16) , Nack
End Sub