in der Bascom Samples ist ein VU Meter mit Bargraphanzeige
zu finden. Leider noch mit ein AT90S2313 declariert.
Der ATtiny2313 will nicht mit den Einstellungen.Ich nehme mal an
der Comperator muss neu definiert werden.
Wie kriege ich den Code zum laufen

'name                     : BG30dB_LED.bas
'copyright                : (c) 1995-2005, MCS Electronics
'purpose                  : create a logarithmic LED bar graph dB (VU) meter
'micro                    : AT90S2313-10
'suited for demo          : yes
'commercial addon needed  : no
'use in simulator         : possible
' Author     : Ger langezaal
'---[ Small program description ]-----------------------------------------------
' This program is written to create a logarithmic LED bar graph dB (VU) meter
' with peak-hold and drop-down. Scale range is 30dB in 3dB steps.
' Log conversion is done with the analog comparator on a RC discharge curve.
' C1 is charged each 4mS with PB0 as output on a Timer0 Interrupt.
' Then PB0 is set to AIN0 (analog comparator +input) Timer1 is reset
' and start counting, C1 will be discharged by R1.
' Timer1 is counting until AIN0 < AIN1.
' Analog Comparator Output = ACSR bit 5.
' Timer1 value is in T1 stored for calculation.
' Display mode is set with PD6 (pin 11).
'   1 = bar mode
'   0 = dot mode  (for low current applications)

'---[ LED to AVR connections ]--------------------------------------------------
'     AVR      Resistor   Cathode   dB
'  Port pin      Ohm      LED nr   Scale
'  PD5   9   >--[680]-->   11       +6
'  PD4   8   >--[680]-->   10       +3
'  PD3   7   >--[680]-->    9        0
'  PD2   6   >--[680]-->    8       -3
'  PD1   3   >--[680]-->    7       -6
'  PD0   2   >--[680]-->    6       -9
'  PB7  19   >--[680]-->    5      -12
'  PB6  18   >--[680]-->    4      -15
'  PB5  17   >--[680]-->    3      -18
'  PB4  16   >--[680]-->    2      -21
'  PB3  15   >--[680]-->    1      -24
'  PB2  14   >--[680]-->    0     infinit
' All LED Anodes to +5 Volt
'---[ Analog comparator inputs ]------------------------------------------------
'  Meter DC input >-------[ R2 ]-------> PB1 (AIN1 pin 13)
'                                 |
'             GND <---------||-----
'                           C2
'                      ---[ R1 ]---
'             GND <----|          |----> PB0 (AIN0 pin 12)
'                      -----||-----
'                           C1
' R1 = 10k 5%
' R2 = 10k
' C1 = 47nF 5%
' C2 = 47nF
'---[ DC input versus Timer1 and Led position ]---------------------------------
' Measured Timer1 values for calculation:
' DC input = 3500mV  Timer1 =  192   ( +6dB)
' DC input =  312mV  Timer1 = 1544   (-15dB)   21dB = factor 11.22
' 21dB = 1543 - 192 = 1351 Timer1 counts
'  3dB = 1351 / 7 = 193 Timer1 counts
'  Input mv    Timer1   LED pos  dB scale
'    3500        192      11       +6
'    2477        385      10       +3
'    1753        578       9        0
'    1241        771       8       -3
'     879        965       7       -6
'     622       1158       6       -9
'     440       1351       5      -12
'     312       1544       4      -15
'     220       1737       3      -18
'     156       1930       2      -21
'     110       2123       1      -24
'    <110      >2123       0     infinit
'---[ Compiler and hardware related statements ]--------------------------------

$regfile = "2313def.dat"                                    'register file for AT90S2313
$crystal = 10000000                                         '10MHz crystal
$hwstack = 32                                               ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10                                               'default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40                                             'default use 40 for the frame space

Ddrb = &B11111100                                           'PB0 and PB1 are analog inputs
Portb.0 = 0                                                 'disable input pullup
Portb.1 = 0                                                 'disable input pullup

Ddrd = &B10111111                                           'config PD6 as input
Portd = &B11111111                                          'output high and enable input pullup

Acsr.7 = 0                                                  'enable analog comparator ACSR bit 7 = 0

'---[ Variables ]---------------------------------------------------------------

Dim Peak_pos As Byte
Dim Peak_hold As Byte
Dim Drop_hold As Byte
Dim Led_pos As Word
Dim Bar_pattern As Word
Dim T1 As Word

'---[ Constants ]---------------------------------------------------------------

Const Peak_hold_time = 200
Const Drop_down_time = 40
Const Led_max = 11                                          'Led 0 - 11
Const T1_fs = 192                                           'full scale Timer1 value
Const T1_step = 193                                         '3dB step Timer1 value
Const T1_range = T1_step * Led_max + T1_fs                  'Calculate Timer1 range

Displ_mod Alias Pind.6                                      'display mode 1 = Dot 0 = Bar
Ac_out Alias Acsr.5                                         'analog comparator output = ACSR bit 5

'---[ Timer Configuration ]-----------------------------------------------------

Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256                      'On Interrupt Timer
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 8                        'R/C Timer
Config Watchdog = 1024                                      'reset after 1 Sec no reset watchdog
Enable Interrupts
Enable Timer0
Enable Timer1
On Timer0 Dc_input_sample                                   'on overflow timer0 jump to label
Timer0 = 0
Timer1 = 0
Start Timer0
Start Timer1
anbei mal den "kopf" des Code's
Ist ja in den Samples zu finden
