
ich habe ein Programm für Asuro geschrieben, das die Unterschiede der Drehgeschwindigkeiten der beiden Motoren rausfinden und ausgleichen soll. Beim Ausprobieren fährt Asuro nach der Kalibrierung aber nur im Kreis und ich komme nicht drauf, woran das liegen könnte :/
Das ist mein Code:
#include "asuro.h"

int main(void)
        unsigned int wheel_factor;


        wheel_factor = CalibrateWheels();

        MotorSpeed(120, 120 * wheel_factor);

        return 0;

float CalibrateWheels(void) {
        Write("Start calibration");

        // counter
        unsigned int i;
        // odometry data
        unsigned int data[2];

        // rotation count of the wheels
        unsigned int count_left = 0;
        unsigned int count_right = 0;

        // contains the last brightness state for the wheels
        unsigned int last_state[2];
        last_state[2] = is_bright(data[0]), is_bright(data[1]);

        // the relation between the left amd the right wheel's rotation count
        float relation;

        // start driving
        MotorDir(FWD, FWD);
        MotorSpeed(120, 120);

        // 5 seconds
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

                // if a wheel's brightness changed, increase the counter
                if (is_bright(data[0]) != last_state[0]) {

                if (is_bright(data[1]) != last_state[1]) {

                last_state[2] = is_bright(data[0]), is_bright(data[1]);


        relation = count_right / count_left;

        // done testing, stop wheels
        MotorSpeed(0, 0);

        Write("Finished calibration");

        return relation;

unsigned int is_bright(unsigned int darkness) {
        if (darkness > 512) {
                return 0;
        } else {
                return 1;

void Write(char msg) {
        // Send a string via IR without having to think about the length of the string
        SerWrite(msg, strlen(msg));

void TimeSleep(unsigned int time) {
        // Sleep for ``time`` miliseconds
        unsigned int i;

        for (i = 0; i < time; i++) {
Die Odometriesensoren funktionieren beide, habe sie mit dem SelfTest getestet.
Weiß jemand, woran das liegen könnte?
