; Lazy Sine wave for the Butterfly
; Lookuptable for a quarter Sine wave
; Portb6 for an LED, right next to GND
; --- insert GPL here --- Wiebel, 2007
; timer2 interrupt behaves very badly, first for some time PWM at $(ff)
; then Sine uncorrelated to frequency of Timer2
.include ""
.def temp = r16
.def pow = r17
.def ACount = r18
.def BCount = r19
.def PCount = r20
.def state= r21
.def speed = r22
.def table = r0 ; Z points here, readout of table
.org 0x0000
rjmp main ; Reset Handler
.org PCINT0addr ; next, button support
; rjmp button
;.org 0x0014
.org OC2addr ; Interrupt for the adjustable
;.org OVF2addr ; speed TIMER2
; reti
rjmp timer2_ctc
.org OVF1addr
; rjmp timer1_overflow ; Timer Overflow Handler
.org OVF0addr
; rjmp timer0_overflow
ldi temp, LOW(RAMEND) ; Stackpointer
out SPL, temp
ldi temp, HIGH(RAMEND)
out SPH, temp
ldi temp, 0 ; initializing I/O Pins
out DDRE, temp ; Input (Joystick right-left)
ldi temp, 1<<PORTB6 ; Output LED (also Joy up)
out DDRB, temp
; ldi temp, 0b00000010 ; TOIE0: Interrupt at Timer Overflow
; sts TIMSK0, temp
ldi temp, 0b00000010 ; Interupt on compare
sts TIMSK2, temp
; ldi temp, 1<<PCIE0 ; next
; sts EIMSK, temp
; ldi temp, $ff
; ldi temp, (1<<PCINT2) | (1<<PCINT3)
; sts PCMSK0, temp
; ldi temp, 1<<ISC00
; sts EICRA, temp
; initializing registers
clr ACount ; PWM / SINE rate (L) Counter
clr BCount ; Adjustable speed (H) Counter
; X/Y ??
clr state ; State machine q1-q2-q3-q4-
clr PCount ; bookkeeper for table qsin
clr pow ; PWM - duty cycle
ldi speed, $ff ; Adjustable Speed Value
ldi temp, 0b00000010|(1<<WGM21) ; divider | CTC mode
sts TCCR2a, temp
ldi temp,$3f ; compare value for CTC
sts OCR2A, temp
ldi temp, (1<<COM1B1) | (1<<WGM11) ; setting timer1 ...
; ldi temp, 0b00100010
sts TCCR1A, temp
ldi temp, (1<<WGM13) | (1<<WGM12) | (1<<CS10) ; ... at full speed
; ldi temp, 0b00011001
sts TCCR1B, temp
ldi temp, 0x00 ; setting the top value for counter1
sts ICR1H, temp ; for the Sine-Wave PWM
ldi temp, 0xff
sts ICR1L, temp
ldi ZH, high(qsin<<1) ; pointing to qsin:
ldi ZL, low(qsin<<1) ; quarter Sine lookup table
ldi temp, $ff ; initial PWM Level
sts OCR1BL, temp
ldi temp, $0
sts OCR1BH, temp
; sbi PORTB, 6 ; futile previous attempts
sei ; activate interupts
loop: rjmp loop ; well nothing here
inc ACount ; loop to delay the actual reading
cpi ACount, $3F ; delay for * interupt events
brne out
clr ACount
; cp BCount, speed ; second for longer delays (4bit PWM)
; brlo bout ; or adjustable (via speed)
; clr BCount
inc PCount ; increment the bookkeeping
ldi pow, $7f ; ofFset for the full Sinewave
cpi state, 0 ; in which quadrant are we ?
breq q0
cpi state, 1
breq q1
cpi state, 2
breq q2
cpi state, 3
breq q3
ldi state, 0 ; reset the state machine
q0: ; 1st quadrant, forward, positive
add pow, table ; add value of table to the Offset
rjmp up
q1: ; 2nd Q, backward, positive
add pow, table
rjmp down
q2: ; 3rd Q, forward, negative
sub pow, table
rjmp up
q3: ; 4th Q, backward, negative
sub pow, table
rjmp down
up: ; moving Z forward
inc ZL
rjmp level
down: ; moving Z backward
dec ZL
rjmp level
level: ; setting the actual PWM level
sts OCR1BL, pow
cpi PCount, $1f ; have we reached the end of the Table?
brne out
inc state ; go to next quadrant
clr PCount ; reset bookkeeping
;bout: ; to make BCount adjustable
; inc BCount
;button: ; next
; sbis PINE, PINE3
; ldi speed, $0
; sbis PINE, PINE2
; ldi speed, $0f
; sts OCR1BL, speed
; reti
; .org FlashEND-(0xFF/2) ; need more information
; quarter Sine - 127*sin(n/32) - 32 Points -128 points per Sine
.db 0,6,13,19,26,32,38,44,50,56,62,67,73,78,83,87,92,96,100,104,107,111,114,117,119,121,123,124,126,126,127,127
; .org FlashEND-(0xFF/2) ; need more information
; quarter Sine - 127*sin(pi*n/16) - 16 Points - 64 points per Sine
; .db 0,13,26,39,52,64,75,85,94,103,110,116,121,124,126,127 ; 127*sin(pi*n/16)
; quarter Sine - 127*sin(n/32) - 32 Points -128 points per Sine
; .db 0,6,13,19,26,32,38,44,50,56,62,67,73,78,83,87,92,96,100,104,107,111,114,117,119,121,123,124,126,126,127,127