Sodele, also schreiben klappt jetzt ganz hervorragend, ich habe den code erstmal auf das nötigste reduziert. Nachdem ich nun den Prescaler geändert habe, wollte ich das Register CANCTRL auslesen - das klappt irgendwie nicht. Muss ich dann noch irgendwie Nullen senden ? In der Help von SPIIN steht irgendwie so etwas, aber das verstehe ich nun überhaupt nicht. Jedenfalls bleibt die MISO Leitung high. Wenn ich da nochmal um einen Tip bitten dürfte ?
'* Projekt: CAN Testboard
'* Zielhardware: CAN Testboard V1.0
'* Stand: 03.03.2008
'* CAN Test10.bas
'**** Deklarationen ************************************************************
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 8 'default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 24 'default use 40 for the frame space
$regfile = "m8def.dat" 'Chipdefinition
$crystal = 16000000 'Ext. crystal Osc. Speed 16Mhz
$baud = 2400 'Speed COM1
Declare Sub Mcpinit()
Declare Sub Canwrite(byval Reg_add As Byte , Byval Reg_val As Byte)
Declare Sub Canmod(byval Reg_add As Byte , Byval Reg_mask As Byte , Byval Reg_val As Byte)
Declare Function Canread(byval Reg_add As Byte ) As Byte
'**** Portinitialisierung ******************************************************
Portb = &H00 'Port B hochohmig schalten
Portc = &H00 'Port C hochohmig schalten
Portd = &H00 'Port D hochohmig schalten
Config Portb.0 = Output 'LED gelb
Led_gelb Alias Portb.0
Led_gelb = 0
Config Portb.1 = Output 'LED rot
Led_rot Alias Portb.1
Led_rot = 0
Config Portb.2 = Input '/SS Eingang
Config Portc = Output 'Aux
Config Pind.2 = Input 'MCP Interrupt MCP2515 /INT
Config Portd.4 = Output 'MCP_CS
Mcp_cs Alias Portd.4
Set Mcp_cs 'low aktiv
Config Portd.6 = Input 'Taster S1
Portd.6 = 1 'Pullup für S1
S1 Alias Pind.6
Config Portd.7 = Input 'Taster S2
Portd.7 = 1 'Pullup für S2
S2 Alias Pind.7
Led_rot = 1 'Resetmerker und Zeit zum ISP Stecker abziehen ;)
Wait 3
Led_rot = 0
'**** Variablen deklarieren ****************************************************
Const Cmd_read = &H03 'Read Command
Const Cmd_write = &H02 'Write Command
Const Cmd_bitmodify = &H05 'Bit-modify Command
Const Cmd_reset = &HC0 'Reset Command
Const Canctrl = &H0F 'Control Register
Dim Data_tmp As Byte 'Temp Datenbyte
Dim Canstatus As Byte 'Statuswort
Dim Spi_write_buff(3) As Byte 'Sendebuffer
Dim Spi_mod_buff(4) As Byte 'Modbuffer
Dim Spi_read_buff(2) As Byte 'empfangsbuffer
'**** Schnittstellen konfigurieren *********************************************
Config Portb.3 = Output 'MOSI
Config Portb.4 = Input 'MISO
Config Portb.5 = Output 'SCK
Config Portb.2 = Output '/SS - /CS
Config Spi = Hard , Data Order = Msb , Master = Yes , Noss = 0 , Clockrate = 4
Print " "
Print "Neustart !"
Print " "
Print "Call mcpinit..."
Call Mcpinit()
Print "MCP init done!"
Data_tmp = Canread(canctrl)
Print "Canctrl=" ; Bin(data_tmp)
'* Hauptprogramm *
If S1 = 0 Then
Led_rot = 1
Waitms 500
Led_rot = 0
End If
If S2 = 0 Then
Led_rot = 1
Waitms 500
Led_rot = 0
End If
Sub Mcpinit()
Local Can_tmp As Byte 'Lokale Variable
Print "Reset 2515..." 'MCP Resetten
Can_tmp = Cmd_reset
Reset Mcp_cs
Waitus 1
Spiout Data_tmp , 1
Waitus 1
Set Mcp_cs
Waitus 20 'Warten bis Reset erledigt, evtl. Abfrage MCP einbauen ?
Print "done!"
Print "change prescaler..."
Spi_write_buff(1) = Cmd_write
Spi_write_buff(2) = Canctrl
Spi_write_buff(3) = &B00000100 'Prescaler auf Takt/1
Reset Mcp_cs
Waitus 1
Spiout Spi_write_buff(1) , 3
Waitus 1
Set Mcp_cs
Print "done!"
End Sub
Sub Canwrite(reg_add , Reg_val) 'Subroutine "schreiben"
Spi_write_buff(1) = Cmd_write
Spi_write_buff(2) = Reg_add
Spi_write_buff(3) = Reg_val
Spiout Spi_write_buff(1) , 3
End Sub
Sub Canmod(reg_add , Reg_mask , Reg_val)
Spi_mod_buff(1) = Cmd_bitmodify
Spi_mod_buff(2) = Reg_add
Spi_mod_buff(3) = Reg_mask
Spi_mod_buff(4) = Reg_val
Spiout Spi_mod_buff(1) , 4
End Sub
Function Canread(reg_add)
Spi_read_buff(1) = Cmd_read
Spi_read_buff(2) = Reg_add
Spiout Spi_read_buff(1) , 2
Spiin Canread , 1
End Function