Vermutlich meinst du so etwas ? - such mal nach RS232 To RJ11/45 Adapters
Damit habe ich oft die bestehende LAN-Verkabelung für RS232 benützt.
Damit ist auch ein einfacher Wechsel von 9Polig zu 25Polig und Männlein zu Weiblein möglich.
Ein gekreutztes Netzwerkabel ersetzt das Nullmodem.
Bild hier Bild hier
Wiring RS-232 to RJ45 connector
"Using the RJ-11s for RS-232 is even less standardized ... there are basically two ways to go: 1. Wire the modular to DB-25 adapter such that flipping the flat cable to the device will produce a null modem cable. This means you wire symmetrically (i.e., TxD and RxD are the center pair, RTS and CTS are the next pair, etc). The advantage of this method is that all adapters are wired the same.
2. Wire ... the adapters as DTE and DCE
Also, if you are coming from a wall jack that also has a phone line, you can't use the center pair. ... This plan uses the first method:
Wire in the walls o/w w/gn bl/w w/bl gn/w w/br
| | | | | |
RJ-45 or RJ-11 jack |_ _|
looking into jack |__________________________|
| | | | | |
Flat Phone Cable bl y gn r bk w
Colors may vary | | | | | |
Terminal Adapter | |
4 6 2 3 20 5
(looking into jack)
______ ______
_| | | |_
_| RTS |-->- --->| CTS |_
| DSR |<--- -<--| DTR |
| TxD |-->- --->| RxD |
| RxD |<--- -<--| TxD |
|_ DTR |-->- --->| DSR _|
|_ CTS |<--- -<--| RTS _|
|______| |______|
(when wired as null modem between computers)
You wire the flat cable like this:
_/__ __\_
(this *is* "flipped")
this flips the cable and performs the null.