15.06.2010, 14:43
Hallo Forum,
Ich benutze einen ATMega 8 um das Ausgangssignal eines UTI von der Firma Smartec auszuwerten, um damit die Widerstände von PT100-Sensoren zu messen und die Temperatur zu gewinnen.
Diese wird dann im ATMega gemittel, sowie der Anstieg berechnet.
Das alles haut wunderbar hin.
Ich habe durch Optimierungen, Vereinfachungen und Verbesserungen alte ungenutzte Fragmente im Code, sowie Variablen im Speicher, die einfach überflüssig sind und Speicherplatz belegen, den ich für weitere Mittelwertbildungen gut gebrauchen könnte.
Wenn ich diese nun aber rauslösche oder auskommentiere startet mein ATMega ständig neu, schafft ab und an mal eine Temperaturmessung /-berechnung um dann wieder neu zu starten.
es geht hauptsächlich um die Long-Variable Capture auf &H150
sowie um das Array UTI(..) welches ich letztlich nur noch bis uti(10) benötigen würde.
Nachfolgend mein Quellcode
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$baud = 57600
$framesize = 100
$swstack = 100
$hwstack = 100
Icp1 Alias Pinb.0 : Config Icp1 = Input : Portb.0 = 1
'################# UTI ################################################## ##
On Capture1 Oncapture 'Pd4
On Ovf1 Onoverflow
Tccr1a = 0 'Kein Compare-Mode
Tccr1b.icnc1 = 0 'NoiseCancel
Tccr1b.ices1 = 1 'steigende Flanke
Tccr1b.cs12 = 0
Tccr1b.cs11 = 0 '001 - kein Prescaler
Tccr1b.cs10 = 1
Enable Interrupts
Dim Capture As Long At &H150
Dim Uti(68) As Long , Uti_sort(6) As Long , Uti_summe(6) As Long
Dim Plaus1 As Word , Plaus2 As Word , Plaus1_string As String * 4 , Plaus2_string As String * 4
Plaus1_string = "0000" : Plaus2_string = "0000"
Dim Durchlauf As Byte : Durchlauf = 0
Dim Werte As Long
Dim Wcapture As Word , Wcapturealt As Word , Wzaehler As Word , Woverflow As Word
Dim Ready As Bit : Ready = 0 'Statusbit Messung
Dim Index As Byte : Index = 1
Dim Index1 As Byte : Index1 = 1
Dim R_ref As Byte : R_ref = 100 'Größe des Referenzwiderstandes
Dim Delta_t As Byte : Delta_t = 8
Declare Function Ohmgrad(t_off1 As Long , T_off2 As Long , T_ref As Long , T_x As Long , R_ref As Byte) As Single
'Werte aus
Const A = 3367.8214408825
Const B = 11342221.257667569
Const C = 17235.4360565322
Dim I As Byte : I = 0
Dim J As Byte : J = 0
Dim K As Byte : K = 0
'####################### Temperaturen #####################################
Dim T1 As Single , T1_string As String * 5 , T1_word As Word
Dim T2 As Single , T2_string As String * 5 , T2_word As Word
Dim T1_ringpuffer(32) As Word , T2_ringpuffer(32) As Word
Dim Rp_counter As Byte , Rp_pointer As Byte
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t1 As Long , 16_werte_mittel_t1 As Long , 32_werte_mittel_t1 As Long
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t2 As Long , 16_werte_mittel_t2 As Long , 32_werte_mittel_t2 As Long
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4 , 16_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4 , 32_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4 , 16_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4 , 32_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4
Dim 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(32) As Long ', 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(32) As Long
Dim Anstieg_t1 As Integer , Anstieg_t2 As Integer
Dim Anstieg_t1_str As String * 5 , Anstieg_t2_str As String * 5
Dim Help_byte As Byte
Dim Init As Bit : Init = 0
'################################################# #############################
Print : Print "NEUSTART" : Print
Gosub Temperaturen
Incr Durchlauf
'Waitms 500
Ready = 0
Index = 0
Timsk.ticie1 = 1 'Input Capture Interrupt enable
Timsk.toie1 = 1 'Overflow Interrupt enable
Do : Loop Until Ready = 1
Timsk.ticie1 = 0 'Input Capture Interrupt disable
Timsk.toie1 = 0 'timer overflow interrupt disable
K = 4 'anzahl ungenutzter Messwerte
For J = 1 To 6 'K+J*I Meswerte
Incr K
Uti_summe(j) = Uti(k)
Next J
Gosub Sortieren
Gosub Rechnen
Incr Woverflow
Wcapture = Capture1
Werte = Woverflow * 65536
Werte = Werte + Wcapture
Werte = Werte - Wcapturealt
Wcapturealt = Wcapture
Uti(index) = Werte
Woverflow = 0
Incr Index
If Index > 10 Then
Index = 1
Ready = 1
End If
K = 1
For J = 2 To 6
If Uti_summe(k) > Uti_summe(j) Then K = J 'kleinsten Wert finden
Next J
Select Case K
Case 1 : If Uti_summe(6) < Uti_summe(2) Then K = 6
Case 6 : If Uti_summe(5) < Uti_summe(1) Then K = 5
Case Else : If Uti_summe(k - 1) < Uti_summe(k + 1) Then K = K - 1
End Select
For J = 1 To 6
I = J + K
I = I - 1
If I > 6 Then I = I - 6
Uti_sort(j) = Uti_summe(i) 'sortierte Timer-Werte -> uti_sort
Next J
'Gosub Loggen
Print Uti_sort(1) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(2) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(3) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(4) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(5) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(6) '; "," ; T1_string ; "," ; T2_string
T1 = Ohmgrad(uti_sort(1) , Uti_sort(2) , Uti_sort(3) , Uti_sort(4) , R_ref)
T2 = Ohmgrad(uti_sort(1) , Uti_sort(2) , Uti_sort(3) , Uti_sort(5) , R_ref)
T1 = T1 * 10 : T1_word = T1 : T1_string = Str(t1_word) : T1_string = Format(t1_string , "0000")
T2 = T2 * 10 : T2_word = T2 : T2_string = Str(t2_word) : T2_string = Format(t2_string , "0000")
If Durchlauf > 20 Then
Durchlauf = 100 'Wert egal, nur größer 20
Gosub Plausibilitaet
End If
Gosub Mitteln
'Gosub Anstieg
Print T1_string ; Spc(2) ; 8_werte_mittel_t1_string ; Spc(2) ; 16_werte_mittel_t1_string ; Spc(2) ; 32_werte_mittel_t1_string ; " | ";
Print T2_string ; Spc(2) ; 8_werte_mittel_t2_string ; Spc(2) ; 16_werte_mittel_t2_string ; Spc(2) ; 32_werte_mittel_t2_string ; " | ";
Print Plaus1_string ; Spc(2) ; Plaus2_string ; " | ";
Print Anstieg_t1 '; Spc(2) ; Anstieg_t2
'Print T1_string ; 8_werte_mittel_t1_string ; 16_werte_mittel_t1_string ; 32_werte_mittel_t1_string ;
'Print T2_string ; 8_werte_mittel_t2_string ; 16_werte_mittel_t2_string ; 32_werte_mittel_t2_string ;
'Print Plaus1_string ; Plaus2_string
Function Ohmgrad(t_off1 As Long , T_off2 As Long , T_ref As Long , T_x As Long , R_ref As Single) As Single
Local Zaehler As Long , Nenner As Long , Grad As Single , R As Long , T_off As Long
Local R_single As Single
T_off = T_off1 + T_off2
Zaehler = T_x - T_off :
Nenner = T_ref - T_off
R = Zaehler * R_ref
R_single = R / Nenner
Grad = R_single - R_ref
Grad = Grad * C
Grad = B - Grad
Grad = Sqr(grad)
Grad = A - Grad
Ohmgrad = Grad
End Function
If Init = 0 Then 'Startwerte
For Rp_counter = 1 To 32
T1_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T1_word
T2_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T2_word
32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) = 0
'32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(rp_counter) = 0
Next Rp_counter
Init = 1
End If
Incr Rp_counter : If Rp_counter > 32 Then Rp_counter = 1 'Ringpuffer
T1_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T1_word
T2_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T2_word
32_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
32_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
16_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
16_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
8_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
8_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
Rp_pointer = Rp_counter
For Help_byte = 1 To 32
32_werte_mittel_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
32_werte_mittel_t2 = 32_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
If Help_byte <= 16 Then
16_werte_mittel_t1 = 16_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
16_werte_mittel_t2 = 16_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
End If
If Help_byte <= 8 Then
8_werte_mittel_t1 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
8_werte_mittel_t2 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
End If
Rp_pointer = Rp_pointer - 1
If Rp_pointer < 1 Then Rp_pointer = 32
Next Help_byte
Shift 8_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 3 : 8_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(8_werte_mittel_t1) : 8_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(8_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 8_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 3 : 8_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(8_werte_mittel_t2) : 8_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(8_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
Shift 16_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 4 : 16_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(16_werte_mittel_t1) : 16_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(16_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 16_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 4 : 16_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(16_werte_mittel_t2) : 16_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(16_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
Shift 32_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 5 : 32_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(32_werte_mittel_t1) : 32_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(32_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 32_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 5 : 32_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(32_werte_mittel_t2) : 32_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(32_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) = 32_werte_mittel_t1
If Rp_counter <= Delta_t Then Help_byte = Rp_counter + 32 Else Help_byte = Rp_counter
Help_byte = Help_byte - Delta_t
Anstieg_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) - 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(help_byte)
'Anstieg_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(rp_counter) - 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(help_byte)
'Plausibilität prüfen
'mehr als doppelt so große Werte, als auch weniger als halb so kleine Werte
'werden gegen 8-Werte-Mittel ersetzt
Plaus1 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 : Shift Plaus1 , Left , 1
Plaus2 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 : Shift Plaus2 , Right , 1
If T1_word < Plaus2 Or T1_word > Plaus1 Then
Plaus1_string = Str(t1_word)
T1_word = 8_werte_mittel_t1
T1_string = Str(t1_word)
T1_string = Format(t1_string , "0000")
Plaus1_string = "0000"
End If
Plaus1 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 : Shift Plaus1 , Left , 1
Plaus2 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 : Shift Plaus2 , Right , 1
If T2_word < Plaus2 Or T2_word > Plaus1 Then
Plaus2_string = Str(t2_word)
T2_word = 8_werte_mittel_t2
T2_string = Str(t2_word)
T2_string = Format(t2_string , "0000")
Plaus2_string = "0000"
End If
Ich benutze einen ATMega 8 um das Ausgangssignal eines UTI von der Firma Smartec auszuwerten, um damit die Widerstände von PT100-Sensoren zu messen und die Temperatur zu gewinnen.
Diese wird dann im ATMega gemittel, sowie der Anstieg berechnet.
Das alles haut wunderbar hin.
Ich habe durch Optimierungen, Vereinfachungen und Verbesserungen alte ungenutzte Fragmente im Code, sowie Variablen im Speicher, die einfach überflüssig sind und Speicherplatz belegen, den ich für weitere Mittelwertbildungen gut gebrauchen könnte.
Wenn ich diese nun aber rauslösche oder auskommentiere startet mein ATMega ständig neu, schafft ab und an mal eine Temperaturmessung /-berechnung um dann wieder neu zu starten.
es geht hauptsächlich um die Long-Variable Capture auf &H150
sowie um das Array UTI(..) welches ich letztlich nur noch bis uti(10) benötigen würde.
Nachfolgend mein Quellcode
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$baud = 57600
$framesize = 100
$swstack = 100
$hwstack = 100
Icp1 Alias Pinb.0 : Config Icp1 = Input : Portb.0 = 1
'################# UTI ################################################## ##
On Capture1 Oncapture 'Pd4
On Ovf1 Onoverflow
Tccr1a = 0 'Kein Compare-Mode
Tccr1b.icnc1 = 0 'NoiseCancel
Tccr1b.ices1 = 1 'steigende Flanke
Tccr1b.cs12 = 0
Tccr1b.cs11 = 0 '001 - kein Prescaler
Tccr1b.cs10 = 1
Enable Interrupts
Dim Capture As Long At &H150
Dim Uti(68) As Long , Uti_sort(6) As Long , Uti_summe(6) As Long
Dim Plaus1 As Word , Plaus2 As Word , Plaus1_string As String * 4 , Plaus2_string As String * 4
Plaus1_string = "0000" : Plaus2_string = "0000"
Dim Durchlauf As Byte : Durchlauf = 0
Dim Werte As Long
Dim Wcapture As Word , Wcapturealt As Word , Wzaehler As Word , Woverflow As Word
Dim Ready As Bit : Ready = 0 'Statusbit Messung
Dim Index As Byte : Index = 1
Dim Index1 As Byte : Index1 = 1
Dim R_ref As Byte : R_ref = 100 'Größe des Referenzwiderstandes
Dim Delta_t As Byte : Delta_t = 8
Declare Function Ohmgrad(t_off1 As Long , T_off2 As Long , T_ref As Long , T_x As Long , R_ref As Byte) As Single
'Werte aus
Const A = 3367.8214408825
Const B = 11342221.257667569
Const C = 17235.4360565322
Dim I As Byte : I = 0
Dim J As Byte : J = 0
Dim K As Byte : K = 0
'####################### Temperaturen #####################################
Dim T1 As Single , T1_string As String * 5 , T1_word As Word
Dim T2 As Single , T2_string As String * 5 , T2_word As Word
Dim T1_ringpuffer(32) As Word , T2_ringpuffer(32) As Word
Dim Rp_counter As Byte , Rp_pointer As Byte
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t1 As Long , 16_werte_mittel_t1 As Long , 32_werte_mittel_t1 As Long
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t2 As Long , 16_werte_mittel_t2 As Long , 32_werte_mittel_t2 As Long
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4 , 16_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4 , 32_werte_mittel_t1_string As String * 4
Dim 8_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4 , 16_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4 , 32_werte_mittel_t2_string As String * 4
Dim 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(32) As Long ', 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(32) As Long
Dim Anstieg_t1 As Integer , Anstieg_t2 As Integer
Dim Anstieg_t1_str As String * 5 , Anstieg_t2_str As String * 5
Dim Help_byte As Byte
Dim Init As Bit : Init = 0
'################################################# #############################
Print : Print "NEUSTART" : Print
Gosub Temperaturen
Incr Durchlauf
'Waitms 500
Ready = 0
Index = 0
Timsk.ticie1 = 1 'Input Capture Interrupt enable
Timsk.toie1 = 1 'Overflow Interrupt enable
Do : Loop Until Ready = 1
Timsk.ticie1 = 0 'Input Capture Interrupt disable
Timsk.toie1 = 0 'timer overflow interrupt disable
K = 4 'anzahl ungenutzter Messwerte
For J = 1 To 6 'K+J*I Meswerte
Incr K
Uti_summe(j) = Uti(k)
Next J
Gosub Sortieren
Gosub Rechnen
Incr Woverflow
Wcapture = Capture1
Werte = Woverflow * 65536
Werte = Werte + Wcapture
Werte = Werte - Wcapturealt
Wcapturealt = Wcapture
Uti(index) = Werte
Woverflow = 0
Incr Index
If Index > 10 Then
Index = 1
Ready = 1
End If
K = 1
For J = 2 To 6
If Uti_summe(k) > Uti_summe(j) Then K = J 'kleinsten Wert finden
Next J
Select Case K
Case 1 : If Uti_summe(6) < Uti_summe(2) Then K = 6
Case 6 : If Uti_summe(5) < Uti_summe(1) Then K = 5
Case Else : If Uti_summe(k - 1) < Uti_summe(k + 1) Then K = K - 1
End Select
For J = 1 To 6
I = J + K
I = I - 1
If I > 6 Then I = I - 6
Uti_sort(j) = Uti_summe(i) 'sortierte Timer-Werte -> uti_sort
Next J
'Gosub Loggen
Print Uti_sort(1) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(2) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(3) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(4) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(5) ; Spc(3) ; Uti_sort(6) '; "," ; T1_string ; "," ; T2_string
T1 = Ohmgrad(uti_sort(1) , Uti_sort(2) , Uti_sort(3) , Uti_sort(4) , R_ref)
T2 = Ohmgrad(uti_sort(1) , Uti_sort(2) , Uti_sort(3) , Uti_sort(5) , R_ref)
T1 = T1 * 10 : T1_word = T1 : T1_string = Str(t1_word) : T1_string = Format(t1_string , "0000")
T2 = T2 * 10 : T2_word = T2 : T2_string = Str(t2_word) : T2_string = Format(t2_string , "0000")
If Durchlauf > 20 Then
Durchlauf = 100 'Wert egal, nur größer 20
Gosub Plausibilitaet
End If
Gosub Mitteln
'Gosub Anstieg
Print T1_string ; Spc(2) ; 8_werte_mittel_t1_string ; Spc(2) ; 16_werte_mittel_t1_string ; Spc(2) ; 32_werte_mittel_t1_string ; " | ";
Print T2_string ; Spc(2) ; 8_werte_mittel_t2_string ; Spc(2) ; 16_werte_mittel_t2_string ; Spc(2) ; 32_werte_mittel_t2_string ; " | ";
Print Plaus1_string ; Spc(2) ; Plaus2_string ; " | ";
Print Anstieg_t1 '; Spc(2) ; Anstieg_t2
'Print T1_string ; 8_werte_mittel_t1_string ; 16_werte_mittel_t1_string ; 32_werte_mittel_t1_string ;
'Print T2_string ; 8_werte_mittel_t2_string ; 16_werte_mittel_t2_string ; 32_werte_mittel_t2_string ;
'Print Plaus1_string ; Plaus2_string
Function Ohmgrad(t_off1 As Long , T_off2 As Long , T_ref As Long , T_x As Long , R_ref As Single) As Single
Local Zaehler As Long , Nenner As Long , Grad As Single , R As Long , T_off As Long
Local R_single As Single
T_off = T_off1 + T_off2
Zaehler = T_x - T_off :
Nenner = T_ref - T_off
R = Zaehler * R_ref
R_single = R / Nenner
Grad = R_single - R_ref
Grad = Grad * C
Grad = B - Grad
Grad = Sqr(grad)
Grad = A - Grad
Ohmgrad = Grad
End Function
If Init = 0 Then 'Startwerte
For Rp_counter = 1 To 32
T1_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T1_word
T2_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T2_word
32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) = 0
'32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(rp_counter) = 0
Next Rp_counter
Init = 1
End If
Incr Rp_counter : If Rp_counter > 32 Then Rp_counter = 1 'Ringpuffer
T1_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T1_word
T2_ringpuffer(rp_counter) = T2_word
32_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
32_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
16_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
16_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
8_werte_mittel_t1 = 0
8_werte_mittel_t2 = 0
Rp_pointer = Rp_counter
For Help_byte = 1 To 32
32_werte_mittel_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
32_werte_mittel_t2 = 32_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
If Help_byte <= 16 Then
16_werte_mittel_t1 = 16_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
16_werte_mittel_t2 = 16_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
End If
If Help_byte <= 8 Then
8_werte_mittel_t1 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 + T1_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
8_werte_mittel_t2 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 + T2_ringpuffer(rp_pointer)
End If
Rp_pointer = Rp_pointer - 1
If Rp_pointer < 1 Then Rp_pointer = 32
Next Help_byte
Shift 8_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 3 : 8_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(8_werte_mittel_t1) : 8_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(8_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 8_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 3 : 8_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(8_werte_mittel_t2) : 8_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(8_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
Shift 16_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 4 : 16_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(16_werte_mittel_t1) : 16_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(16_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 16_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 4 : 16_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(16_werte_mittel_t2) : 16_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(16_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
Shift 32_werte_mittel_t1 , Right , 5 : 32_werte_mittel_t1_string = Str(32_werte_mittel_t1) : 32_werte_mittel_t1_string = Format(32_werte_mittel_t1_string , "0000")
Shift 32_werte_mittel_t2 , Right , 5 : 32_werte_mittel_t2_string = Str(32_werte_mittel_t2) : 32_werte_mittel_t2_string = Format(32_werte_mittel_t2_string , "0000")
32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) = 32_werte_mittel_t1
If Rp_counter <= Delta_t Then Help_byte = Rp_counter + 32 Else Help_byte = Rp_counter
Help_byte = Help_byte - Delta_t
Anstieg_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(rp_counter) - 32_werte_mittel_t1_rp(help_byte)
'Anstieg_t1 = 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(rp_counter) - 32_werte_mittel_t2_rp(help_byte)
'Plausibilität prüfen
'mehr als doppelt so große Werte, als auch weniger als halb so kleine Werte
'werden gegen 8-Werte-Mittel ersetzt
Plaus1 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 : Shift Plaus1 , Left , 1
Plaus2 = 8_werte_mittel_t1 : Shift Plaus2 , Right , 1
If T1_word < Plaus2 Or T1_word > Plaus1 Then
Plaus1_string = Str(t1_word)
T1_word = 8_werte_mittel_t1
T1_string = Str(t1_word)
T1_string = Format(t1_string , "0000")
Plaus1_string = "0000"
End If
Plaus1 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 : Shift Plaus1 , Left , 1
Plaus2 = 8_werte_mittel_t2 : Shift Plaus2 , Right , 1
If T2_word < Plaus2 Or T2_word > Plaus1 Then
Plaus2_string = Str(t2_word)
T2_word = 8_werte_mittel_t2
T2_string = Str(t2_word)
T2_string = Format(t2_string , "0000")
Plaus2_string = "0000"
End If