Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : COM-PORT (RS232) mit JavaME auslesen / Entwickler gesucht

18.03.2010, 19:19
Hallo zusammen,

ich hab fleisig hier im Forum gestöbert und festgestellt, das einige Leute sich recht tiefgehend auskennen mit allem was serielle Schnittstellen, Sensoren und WinMobile betrifft. Darum denke kommt vielleicht der eine oder andere mit dem unten aufgeführten Kleinprojekt gut zurecht. Wer Interesse hat kann sich bei mir mal wegen Details und der gewünschten Bezahlung per Email melden.

abc-def (ed) gmx.net


Wir suchen für eine Messkampagne einen Softwareentwickler der auf Basis eines Werkvertrags das folgende Arbeitspaket möglichst eigenständig abarbeiten kann.

Arbeitsprache: Deutsch oder Englisch.
Die Machbarkeit wurde bereits kurz getestet. Ein geübter Programmierer sollte den unten angegebenen Zeitrahmen deutlich unterschreiten. Diesbezüglich kann man aber verhandeln.

Ich denke, wegen der Überschaubarkeit der Aufgabe ist ein Fixpreis angebracht.
Deadline: für die fertige, reibungsfrei laufende Software ist Mitte Mai.

Im Gegensatz zu unten beschriebener Anforderung wäre auch .NET auf Win Mobile denkbar, wenn jemand Hardware kennt die die Aufgabe für unter 40 Euro / Stück erledigt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, U.Merkel


- Language: JavaME 2.0
- Working on (older) Siemens / Nokia / Sony / Toshiba low budget mobile phones with rs232 connection. Example: Siemens C65 or C6? / C7? Series

Task1: Connect a Sensor (working on RS232 @ 5V) to a mobile phone and collect data periodically
Task2: The mobile phone sends SMS with the measured data to a phone number specified in an extra configuration file.
Task3: Every incoming SMS is scanned for changed configuration data for remote administration.

- if possible, the program should run eternally and restart after power interruption

Program in detail:

Task1: Connect a Sensor (working on RS232 @ 5V) to a mobilphone

- We provide you the Sensor & Example code
- We provide you an old Siemens C65 which should be good for testing and connection cables
- We provide, if necessary Max232 connectors
- Coder connects Sensor to mobilphone and reads out periodically the sensor data
(e.g. every 15min / 1h / 24h / every day at 7am / > do this> Take 100 valid measurements over 2 minutes and build the average value)
- Coder finds other compatible mobile phones that have an RS232 port and that might work with his software
(at least 5 more which work in european GSM frequencies)

Note: I needed less than 1 hour to write the sample programm in VB6.0 on Desktop PC.
Very good English sensor documentation available
It should be less than 2 days work for an experienced java coder.

Task2: The mobile phone sends a sms with the measured data to a phone number specified in an extra configuration file.

4 Options have to be included
- Data is send imetiately after every measurement
(Format: Value | fulldatetime_of_last_measurement )
- Or after enough DATA gathered to fill one SMS (160 Byte )
(Format: Value | seconds_to_next_measurement | Value | seconds_to_next_measurement | Value |...... Value | fulldatetime_of_last_measurement )
- Or only if there was a change in measurements results of more than X.XX% / or +- X steps.
Format as above:
(Format: Value | seconds_to_next_measurement | Value | seconds_to_next_measurement | Value |...... Value | fulldatetime_of_last_measurement )
- Or Data is send once as an answer to any mobile phone requesting data via incoming SMS
(Format: Value | fulldatetime_of_last_measurement )

The config file contains:
- Point of time / intervall for measurement and sending
- phone number to send data to
- text header for sms
- Valid upper measurement value boundary
- Valid lower measurement value boundary

Task3: Every incoming sms is scanned for configuration data.

For remote administration
- If config data is found, it replaces the data in the configuration file
- measurement starts with new rules from config file and the first sms is send to the number specified in the config file
- the next automatic measurement and SMS is done according to the new config data
- all incoming sms are deleted to keep the phonememory empty

- This program must work without user input until the battery is empty
- If you find a phone that allows automatic restart of the measurement process after power returns without user interaction
I'll pay you a bonus 50$. I know there are some around that can start java midlets on startup.
Think about solar powered solutions! no electricity over night!
- if the whole program runs stable solar powered for more than two weeks without user interaction, the bonus rises to 100$
- if the whole program runs stable solar powered for more than two weeks without user interaction, and the coder works autonomous and 100% reliable, the bonus rises to 200$

Time Estimation:
- 1 day for set up work environment and read the manuals
- 2 days: to connect the sensor and make regular reliable measurements (see examples provided in VB6.0)
- 1.5 days: for the send_data_sms function (Use examples / templates from SUN website)
- 1.5 days: for the receive_config_sms function (Use examples / templates from SUN website)
- 1 day to document the project and to make it easy to read code

- The JavaME-Website of SUN provides ready-to-use examples for receiving and sending sms.
- source code and a debugged, ready-to-use executable has to be provided to us.
- all source code has to be explained with comments at least (50% source / 50% comment)
- use easys to understand english variable names and care for the code readability
- Phone and sensor have to be returned with full functional software installed. (The working example is one major point!)