Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : MSC Bootloader & M644p => Hilfe

01.05.2009, 21:22

ich bin eben dabei mir den Bootloader von MSC so umzuschreiben das ich ihn mit einem Mega644p nutzen kann. Leider bekomme ich es nicht hin:

' (c) 1995-2007, MCS
' Bootloader.bas
' This sample demonstrates how you can write your own bootloader
' VERSION 2 of the BOOTLOADER. The waiting for the NAK is stretched
' further a bug was resolved for the M64/M128 that have a big page size
'This sample will be extended to support other chips with bootloader
'The loader is supported from the IDE

$crystal = 12000000
'$crystal = 14745600
$baud = 38400 'this loader uses serial com
'It is VERY IMPORTANT that the baud rate matches the one of the boot loader
'do not try to use buffered com as we can not use interrupts

$regfile = "m644pdef.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 32

'#if Loaderchip = 32 ' Mega32
$loader = $7c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

Const Maxword =(2 ^ Maxwordbit) * 2 '128
Const Maxwordshift = Maxwordbit + 1
Const Cdebug = 0 ' leave this to 0

#if Cdebug
Print Maxword
Print Maxwordshift

'Dim the used variables
Dim Bstatus As Byte , Bretries As Byte , Bblock As Byte , Bblocklocal As Byte
Dim Bcsum1 As Byte , Bcsum2 As Byte , Buf(128) As Byte , Csum As Byte
Dim J As Byte , Spmcrval As Byte ' self program command byte value

Dim Z As Long 'this is the Z pointer word
Dim Vl As Byte , Vh As Byte ' these bytes are used for the data values
Dim Wrd As Word , Page As Word 'these vars contain the page and word address
Dim Bkind As Byte , Bstarted As Byte
'Mega 88 : 32 words, 128 pages

Disable Interrupts 'we do not use ints

'Waitms 100 'wait 100 msec sec
'We start with receiving a file. The PC must send this binary file

'some constants used in serial com
Const Nak = &H15
Const Ack = &H06
Const Can = &H18

'(we use some leds as indication in this sample , you might want to remove it
Config Pina.7 = Output
Porta.7 = 1 'the stk200 has inverted logic for the leds
Config Pina.6 = Output
Porta.6 = 1

$timeout = 400000 'we use a timeout
'When you get LOADER errors during the upload, increase the timeout value
'for example at 16 Mhz, use 200000

Bretries = 5 'we try 5 times
#if Cdebug
Print "Try " ; Bretries
Print "Wait"
Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for the loader to send a byte
#if Cdebug
Print "Got "

Print Chr(bstatus);

If Bstatus = 123 Then 'did we received value 123 ?
Bkind = 0 'normal flash loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus = 124 Then ' EEPROM
Bkind = 1 ' EEPROM loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus <> 0 Then
Decr Bretries
If Bretries <> 0 Then Goto Testfor123 'we test again
End If

For J = 1 To 10 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portb.0 : Waitms 100

#if Cdebug
Print "RESET"
Goto _reset 'goto the normal reset vector at address 0

'this is the loader routine. It is a Xmodem-checksum reception routine
#if Cdebug
Print "Clear buffer"
Bstatus = Waitkey()
Loop Until Bstatus = 0

For J = 1 To 3 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portb.0 : Waitms 50

If Bkind = 0 Then
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase the first page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Bretries = 10 'number of retries

Bstarted = 0 ' we were not started yet
Csum = 0 'checksum is 0 when we start
Print Chr(nak); ' firt time send a nack

Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for statuse byte

Select Case Bstatus
Case 1: ' start of heading, PC is ready to send
Incr Bblocklocal 'increase local block count
Csum = 1 'checksum is 1
Bblock = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bblock 'get block
Bcsum1 = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bcsum1 'get checksum first byte
For J = 1 To 128 'get 128 bytes
Buf(j) = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Buf(j)
Bcsum2 = Waitkey() 'get second checksum byte
If Bblocklocal = Bblock Then 'are the blocks the same?
If Bcsum2 = Csum Then 'is the checksum the same?
Gosub Writepage 'yes go write the page
Print Chr(ack); 'acknowledge
Else 'no match so send nak
Print Chr(nak);
End If
Print Chr(nak); 'blocks do not match
End If
Case 4: ' end of transmission , file is transmitted
If Wrd > 0 And Bkind = 0 Then 'if there was something left in the page
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If
Print Chr(ack); ' send ack and ready

Portb.3 = 0 ' simple indication that we are finished and ok
Waitms 20
Goto _reset ' start new program
Case &H18: ' PC aborts transmission
Goto _reset ' ready
Case 123 : Exit Do 'was probably still in the buffer
Case 124 : Exit Do
Case Else
Exit Do ' no valid data
End Select
If Bretries > 0 Then 'attempte left?
Waitms 1000
Decr Bretries 'decrease attempts
Goto _reset 'reset chip
End If

'write one or more pages
If Bkind = 0 Then
For J = 1 To 128 Step 2 'we write 2 bytes into a page
Vl = Buf(j) : Vh = Buf(j + 1) 'get Low and High bytes
lds r0, {vl} 'store them into r0 and r1 registers
lds r1, {vh}
Spmcrval = 1 : Gosub Do_spm 'write value into page at word address
Wrd = Wrd + 2 ' word address increases with 2 because LS bit of Z is not used
If Wrd = Maxword Then ' page is full
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page

Page = Page + 1 'next page
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase next page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Else 'eeprom
For J = 1 To 128
Writeeeprom Buf(j) , Wrd
Wrd = Wrd + 1
End If
Toggle Portb.2 : Waitms 10 : Toggle Portb.2 'indication that we write

Bitwait Spmcsr.0 , Reset ' check for previous SPM complete
Bitwait Eecr.1 , Reset 'wait for eeprom

Z = Page 'make equal to page
Shift Z , Left , Maxwordshift 'shift to proper place
Z = Z + Wrd 'add word
lds r30,{Z}
lds r31,{Z+1}

#if _romsize > 65536
lds r24,{Z+2}
sts rampz,r24 ' we need to set rampz also for the M128

Spmcsr = Spmcrval 'assign register
spm 'this is an asm instruction

Ich hatte diesen schon erfolgreich an einem M32 und M128 am laufen, aber beim Mega644p läuft er irgend wie nicht. Was ist an dem Code falsch?

Gruß MAT

09.06.2009, 18:29
Hallo Leut's,

ich habe nun nach langem suchen das Problem gefunden:

Fusebit C: division by 8 muss auf "disable" stehen und dann funktioniert dieser Code:

' (c) 1995-2009, MCS
' Bootloader.bas
' This sample demonstrates how you can write your own bootloader
' VERSION 2 of the BOOTLOADER. The waiting for the NAK is stretched
' further a bug was resolved for the M64/M128 that have a big page size
'This sample will be extended to support other chips with bootloader
'The loader is supported from the IDE

'$crystal = 8000000
$crystal = 14745600
$baud = 57600 'this loader uses serial com
'It is VERY IMPORTANT that the baud rate matches the one of the boot loader
'do not try to use buffered com as we can not use interrupts

'$regfile = "m8def.dat"

'Const Loaderchip = 8
'$regfile = "m168def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 168

'$regfile = "m16def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 16

'$regfile = "m32def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 32

'$regfile = "m88def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 88

'$regfile = "m162def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 162

'$regfile = "m8515.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 8515

'$regfile = "m128def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 128

'$regfile = "m64def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 64

'$regfile = "m2561def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 2561

'$regfile = "m2560def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 2560

'$regfile = "m329def.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 329

'$regfile = "m324pdef.dat"
'Const Loaderchip = 324

$regfile = "m644def.dat"
Const Loaderchip = 644

#if Loaderchip = 88 'Mega88
$loader = $c00 'this address you can find in the datasheet
'the loader address is the same as the boot vector address
Const Maxwordbit = 5
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 168 'Mega168
$loader = $1c00 'this address you can find in the datasheet
'the loader address is the same as the boot vector address
Const Maxwordbit = 6
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 32 ' Mega32
$loader = $3c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
#if Loaderchip = 8 ' Mega8
$loader = $c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 5 'Z5 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
#if Loaderchip = 161 ' Mega161
$loader = $1e00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
#if Loaderchip = 162 ' Mega162
$loader = $1c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 8515 ' Mega8515
$loader = $c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 5 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
Osccal = &HB3 ' the internal osc needed a new value

#if Loaderchip = 64 ' Mega64
$loader = $7c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 7 'Z7 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 128 ' Mega128
$loader = &HFC00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 7 'Z7 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 2561 ' Mega2561
$loader = &H1FC00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 7 'Z7 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 2560 ' Mega2560
$loader = &H1FC00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 7 'Z7 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 16 ' Mega16
$loader = $1c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 329 ' Mega32
$loader = $3c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 324 ' Mega32
$loader = $3c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 6 'Z6 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

#if Loaderchip = 644 ' Mega644P
$loader = $7c00 ' 1024 words
Const Maxwordbit = 7 'Z7 is maximum bit '
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

Const Maxword =(2 ^ Maxwordbit) * 2 '128
Const Maxwordshift = Maxwordbit + 1
Const Cdebug = 1 ' leave this to 0

#if Cdebug
Print Maxword
Print Maxwordshift

'Dim the used variables
Dim Bstatus As Byte , Bretries As Byte , Bblock As Byte , Bblocklocal As Byte
Dim Bcsum1 As Byte , Bcsum2 As Byte , Buf(128) As Byte , Csum As Byte
Dim J As Byte , Spmcrval As Byte ' self program command byte value

Dim Z As Long 'this is the Z pointer word
Dim Vl As Byte , Vh As Byte ' these bytes are used for the data values
Dim Wrd As Word , Page As Word 'these vars contain the page and word address
Dim Bkind As Byte , Bstarted As Byte
'Mega 88 : 32 words, 128 pages

Disable Interrupts 'we do not use ints

'Waitms 100 'wait 100 msec sec
'We start with receiving a file. The PC must send this binary file

'some constants used in serial com
Const Nak = &H15
Const Ack = &H06
Const Can = &H18

'we use some leds as indication in this sample , you might want to remove it
Config Pinb.2 = Output
Portb.2 = 1 'the stk200 has inverted logic for the leds
Config Pinb.3 = Output
Portb.3 = 1

$timeout = 400000 'we use a timeout
'When you get LOADER errors during the upload, increase the timeout value
'for example at 16 Mhz, use 200000

Bretries = 5 'we try 5 times
#if Cdebug
Print "Try " ; Bretries
Print "Wait"
Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for the loader to send a byte
#if Cdebug
Print "Got "

Print Chr(bstatus);

If Bstatus = 123 Then 'did we received value 123 ?
Bkind = 0 'normal flash loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus = 124 Then ' EEPROM
Bkind = 1 ' EEPROM loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus <> 0 Then
Decr Bretries
If Bretries <> 0 Then Goto Testfor123 'we test again
End If

For J = 1 To 10 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portb.2 : Waitms 100

#if Cdebug
Print "RESET"
Goto _reset 'goto the normal reset vector at address 0

'this is the loader routine. It is a Xmodem-checksum reception routine
#if Cdebug
Print "Clear buffer"
Bstatus = Waitkey()
Loop Until Bstatus = 0

For J = 1 To 3 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portb.2 : Waitms 50

If Bkind = 0 Then
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase the first page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Bretries = 10 'number of retries

Bstarted = 0 ' we were not started yet
Csum = 0 'checksum is 0 when we start
Print Chr(nak); ' firt time send a nack

Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for statuse byte

Select Case Bstatus
Case 1: ' start of heading, PC is ready to send
Incr Bblocklocal 'increase local block count
Csum = 1 'checksum is 1
Bblock = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bblock 'get block
Bcsum1 = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bcsum1 'get checksum first byte
For J = 1 To 128 'get 128 bytes
Buf(j) = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Buf(j)
Bcsum2 = Waitkey() 'get second checksum byte
If Bblocklocal = Bblock Then 'are the blocks the same?
If Bcsum2 = Csum Then 'is the checksum the same?
Gosub Writepage 'yes go write the page
Print Chr(ack); 'acknowledge
Else 'no match so send nak
Print Chr(nak);
End If
Print Chr(nak); 'blocks do not match
End If
Case 4: ' end of transmission , file is transmitted
If Wrd > 0 And Bkind = 0 Then 'if there was something left in the page
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If
Print Chr(ack); ' send ack and ready

Portb.3 = 0 ' simple indication that we are finished and ok
Waitms 20
Goto _reset ' start new program
Case &H18: ' PC aborts transmission
Goto _reset ' ready
Case 123 : Exit Do 'was probably still in the buffer
Case 124 : Exit Do
Case Else
Exit Do ' no valid data
End Select
If Bretries > 0 Then 'attempte left?
Waitms 1000
Decr Bretries 'decrease attempts
Goto _reset 'reset chip
End If

'write one or more pages
If Bkind = 0 Then
For J = 1 To 128 Step 2 'we write 2 bytes into a page
Vl = Buf(j) : Vh = Buf(j + 1) 'get Low and High bytes
lds r0, {vl} 'store them into r0 and r1 registers
lds r1, {vh}
Spmcrval = 1 : Gosub Do_spm 'write value into page at word address
Wrd = Wrd + 2 ' word address increases with 2 because LS bit of Z is not used
If Wrd = Maxword Then ' page is full
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page

Page = Page + 1 'next page
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase next page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Else 'eeprom
For J = 1 To 128
Writeeeprom Buf(j) , Wrd
Wrd = Wrd + 1
End If
Toggle Portb.2 : Waitms 10 : Toggle Portb.2 'indication that we write

Bitwait Spmcsr.0 , Reset ' check for previous SPM complete
Bitwait Eecr.1 , Reset 'wait for eeprom

Z = Page 'make equal to page
Shift Z , Left , Maxwordshift 'shift to proper place
Z = Z + Wrd 'add word
lds r30,{Z}
lds r31,{Z+1}

Spmcsr = Spmcrval 'assign register
spm 'this is an asm instruction

'How you need to use this program:
'1- compile this program
'2- program into chip with sample elctronics programmer
'3- select MCS Bootloader from programmers
'4- compile a new program for example M88.bas
'5- press F4 and reset your micro
' the program will now be uploaded into the chip with Xmodem Checksum
' you can write your own loader.too
'A stand alone command line loader is also available

'How to call the bootloader from your program without a reset ???
' Print "test"
' Waitms 1000
' If Inkey() = 27 Then
' Print "boot"
' Goto &H1C00
' End If

'The GOTO will do the work, you need to specify the correct bootloader address
'this is the same as the $LOADER statement.

Soooo, jetzt kann das proggen wieder weiter gehen :)


12.06.2009, 11:52

ich hätte da auch noch so ein problem mit meinem mega644p und dem Bootloader. Ich benutze folgenden Code:

' (c) 1995-2005, MCS
' Bootloader.bas
' This sample demonstrates how you can write your own bootloader
' VERSION 2 of the BOOTLOADER. The waiting for the NAK is stretched
' further a bug was resolved for the M64/M128 that have a big page size
'This sample will be extended to support other chips with bootloader
'The loader is supported from the IDE

$crystal = 18432000
'$crystal = 14745600
$baud = 38400 'this loader uses serial com

$regfile = "m644pdef.dat"

$loader = $7c00
Const Maxwordbit = 7
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

Const Maxword =(2 ^ Maxwordbit) * 2 '128
Const Maxwordshift = Maxwordbit + 1
' leave this to 0

'Dim the used variables
Dim Bstatus As Byte , Bretries As Byte , Bblock As Byte , Bblocklocal As Byte
Dim Bcsum1 As Byte , Bcsum2 As Byte , Buf(128) As Byte , Csum As Byte
Dim J As Byte , Spmcrval As Byte ' self program command byte value

Dim Z As Long 'this is the Z pointer word
Dim Vl As Byte , Vh As Byte ' these bytes are used for the data values
Dim Wrd As Word , Page As Word 'these vars contain the page and word address
Dim Bkind As Byte , Bstarted As Byte
'Mega 88 : 32 words, 128 pages

Disable Interrupts 'we do not use ints

'Waitms 100 'wait 100 msec sec
'We start with receiving a file. The PC must send this binary file

'some constants used in serial com
Const Nak = &H15
Const Ack = &H06
Const Can = &H18

'we use some leds as indication in this sample , you might want to remove it
Config Pind.7 = Output
Portd.7 = 1 'the stk200 has inverted logic for the leds

$timeout = 200000 'we use a timeout
'When you get LOADER errors during the upload, increase the timeout value
'for example at 16 Mhz, use 200000

Bretries = 5 'we try 5 times

Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for the loader to send a byte

Print Chr(bstatus);

If Bstatus = 123 Then 'did we received value 123 ?
Bkind = 0 'normal flash loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus = 124 Then ' EEPROM
Bkind = 1 ' EEPROM loader
Goto Loader
Elseif Bstatus <> 0 Then
Decr Bretries
If Bretries <> 0 Then Goto Testfor123 'we test again
End If

For J = 1 To 10 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portd.7 : Waitms 100

Goto _reset 'goto the normal reset vector at address 0

'this is the loader routine. It is a Xmodem-checksum reception routine

Bstatus = Waitkey()
Loop Until Bstatus = 0

For J = 1 To 3 'this is a simple indication that we start the normal reset vector
Toggle Portd.7 : Waitms 50

If Bkind = 0 Then
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase the first page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Bretries = 10 'number of retries

Bstarted = 0 ' we were not started yet
Csum = 0 'checksum is 0 when we start
Print Chr(nak); ' firt time send a nack

Bstatus = Waitkey() 'wait for statuse byte

Select Case Bstatus
Case 1: ' start of heading, PC is ready to send
Incr Bblocklocal 'increase local block count
Csum = 1 'checksum is 1
Bblock = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bblock 'get block
Bcsum1 = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Bcsum1 'get checksum first byte
For J = 1 To 128 'get 128 bytes
Buf(j) = Waitkey() : Csum = Csum + Buf(j)
Bcsum2 = Waitkey() 'get second checksum byte
If Bblocklocal = Bblock Then 'are the blocks the same?
If Bcsum2 = Csum Then 'is the checksum the same?
Gosub Writepage 'yes go write the page
Print Chr(ack); 'acknowledge
Else 'no match so send nak
Print Chr(nak);
End If
Print Chr(nak); 'blocks do not match
End If
Case 4: ' end of transmission , file is transmitted
If Wrd > 0 Then 'if there was something left in the page
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If
Print Chr(ack); ' send ack and ready

Portd.7 = 0 ' simple indication that we are finished and ok
Waitms 20
Goto _reset ' start new program
Case &H18: ' PC aborts transmission
Goto _reset ' ready
Case 123 : Exit Do 'was probably still in the buffer
Case 124 : Exit Do
Case Else
Exit Do ' no valid data
End Select
If Bretries > 0 Then 'attempte left?
Waitms 1000
Decr Bretries 'decrease attempts
Goto _reset 'reset chip
End If

'write one or more pages
If Bkind = 0 Then
For J = 1 To 128 Step 2 'we write 2 bytes into a page
Vl = Buf(j) : Vh = Buf(j + 1) 'get Low and High bytes
lds r0, {vl} 'store them into r0 and r1 registers
lds r1, {vh}
Spmcrval = 1 : Gosub Do_spm 'write value into page at word address
Wrd = Wrd + 2 ' word address increases with 2 because LS bit of Z is not used
If Wrd = Maxword Then ' page is full
Wrd = 0 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm 'write page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page

Page = Page + 1 'next page
Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase next page
Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm ' re-enable page
End If

Else 'eeprom
For J = 1 To 128
Writeeeprom Buf(j) , Wrd
Wrd = Wrd + 1
End If
Toggle Portd.7 : Waitms 10 : Toggle Portd.7 'indication that we write

Bitwait Spmcsr.0 , Reset ' check for previous SPM complete
Bitwait Eecr.1 , Reset 'wait for eeprom

Z = Page 'make equal to page
Shift Z , Left , Maxwordshift 'shift to proper place
Z = Z + Wrd 'add word
lds r30,{Z}
lds r31,{Z+1}

Spmcsr = Spmcrval 'assign register
spm 'this is an asm instruction

Die Fuses habe ich folgendermaßen eingestellt.

- Boot Flash section Size = 1024 words
- Boot Start Adress = 0x7c00
- Boot Reset Vector enabled

Beim starten blinkt meine Led. Wenn ich den MCS Bootloader starte und dann auf upload gehe wird die Datei auch übertragen. Doch nachdem die Datei übertragen wurde, blinkt die Led wieder wie vorher. Das geladene Programm wird garnicht gestartet.

Hat jemand ne idee, an was das liegen könnte ?

Gruß Kay

13.06.2009, 08:18
Hi BlaueLed,

Wichtig sind zu erst die Fusebits siehe Anhang.
Dann schau mal, ob der Bootloadercode auch ab F800 beginnt und bis fde0 geht.
Ansonsten fällt mir da auch nichts mehr ein.....

Gruß MAT

13.06.2009, 13:00
Hallo mat-sche,

die fuses stimmen und der Code fängt auch erst ab F800 an. Mittlerweile bin ich ein wenig am verzweifeln. Wäre es möglich, das Du mir dein Code als Hex mal sendest, damit ich den einfach mal brennen kann, um zu sehen, an was es hängt ? Ich verwende allerdings einen 18,4320 Mhz Quarz.

Gruß BlaueLed

13.06.2009, 13:20

es funktioniert. Es lag nicht am Bootloader oder an den Fuses. Es lag an der Bascom Version. Ich hatte die build 1. Ich habe ein Update auf gemacht und siehe da, nachdem ich mit der neuen Version compiliert habe läuft der Bootloader.

Gruß Kay

13.06.2009, 17:26

na also! Geht doch #-o
Nicht aufgeben ist die Devise :) . Na dann kann es ja reichlich weiter mit dem proggen gehen!