Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Hilfe: C-Control unit doesn't respond

02.10.2006, 19:27

Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut und darum gehe ich langsam over in English...

Today my Robby arrived. I was thrilled and after putting the batteries in, hooking it to my pc, turning it on, resetting it and finally wanting to download the first demo (the led's), i got the infamous error message: C-Control unit doesn't respond....

I've tried 2 different computers (both XP).
I've tried all the batteries i could find (a'lott of them, also fully charged 1,2 volt, ranging from 1500 mah and above, chargeable and nonchargeable).

I've checked the jumper for 4MHZ (it's ok)
I've checked the environment settings (com1)
I've checked the COM1 settings (9600, 8n1) (and i think i've tried all other settings....)

Is there something else i could check before sending it back to Conrad for a replacement?



04.10.2006, 13:32
My English isn't verry good, but I will try it.

Is there something else i could check before sending it back to Conrad for a replacement?
When you checked the batteries then I think that you must send the Robby back to Conrad.
I have this problem often, too. But when I use new batteries it is all OK.

I hope, that I could help you.


04.10.2006, 15:27
Yes, i have returned it to Conrad...
I think i had checked everything. I also checked the RS232 cable and the cable was fine.
Now i've to wait till i get my new one. :-s

Thanks for the reply!

18.10.2006, 17:25
Today my new RP5 arrived. This time it works. I was surprised to see the yellow led burning when i turned it on!
(an interesting note: this time the color of the circuitboard is black. The first one was dark-green.)