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06.10.2005, 10:33
Hi All !
What the Programming Language Use for the Roby RP5 ?
Where i can Learn There ?
[Sorry for my bad english , im french :) ]

06.10.2005, 16:47
Hi kedare

The programming language is CCBASIC. That's a dialect of Basic. Very easy to learn. I only know the german version of the manual:
Maybe you can read it?

mfg blizzard

06.10.2005, 17:07
Ok Thanks , i cant Read Doc in English :D
hmm PicBasic == CCBASIC ?

06.10.2005, 18:28
I don't think that PicBasic is the same like CCBASIC, because CCBASIC is for the C-Control (the microcontroller which is used on Robby).
I'm sorry but I don't know a Doc in french. Maybe you can get some help of a person who can speak french and english/german.

mfg blizzard